CreatingMissions - MarcelineVQ/endless-sky GitHub Wiki
- Introduction
- Text replacements
- Basic mission characteristics
- Conditions
- Source and destination filters
- Non-Player Characters (NPCs)
- Triggers
The basic syntax of a mission description is:
mission <name>
name <name>
description <text>
blocked <message>
deadline [<days> [<multiplier>]]
cargo (random | <name>) <number> [<number> [<probability>]]
illegal <fine>
passengers <number> [<number> [<probability>]]
(priority | minor)
(job | landing | assisting | boarding)
repeat [<number>]
clearance [<message>]
waypoint <system>
stopover [<planet>]
to (offer | complete | fail)
<condition> <comp> <value>
(has | not) <condition>
(and | or)
(source | destination) <planet>
(source | destination)
planet <name>...
system <name>...
government <name>...
attributes <name>...
near <system> [[<min>] <max>]
distance [[<min>] <max>]
npc (save | kill | board | disable | "scan cargo" | "scan outfits" | evade | accompany)...
government <name>
personality <type>...
confusion <amount>
system <system>
system <name>...
government <name>...
near <system> [[<min>] <max>]
distance [<min>] <max>
dialog <text>
conversation <name>
ship <model> <name>
ship <model>
fleet <name>
on (offer | complete | accept | decline | defer | fail | visit | stopover | enter [<system>])
dialog <text>
conversation <name>
outfit <outfit> [<number>]
require <outfit>
payment [<base> [<multiplier>]]
<condition> (= | += | -=) <value>
<condition> (++ | --)
(set | clear) <condition>
event <name> [<delay>]
fail [<name>]
Each of these parts of the mission description is described in detail below.
# Text replacements #Certain characteristics of a mission, such as the cargo or the destination planet, may be chosen at random. In order to refer to those randomly chosen elements in descriptive text, you can use the following placeholders:
= name of commodity being carried -
= "1 ton" or "N tons" -
= "<tons>
" -
= the number of passengers -
= "passenger" or "passengers" -
= "a passenger" or "N passengers" -
= planet (or ship) where mission was offered -
= destination planet -
= destination system -
= "<planet>
, in the<system>
system" -
= a list of all stopover destinations -
= "1 credit" or "N credits" -
= the deadline for the mission (in the format "Day, DD Mon YYYY") -
= the deadline in conversational form ("the DDth of Month") -
= the name of the first ship in the lastnpc
block in the mission description -
= your first name -
= your last name -
= the name of your flagship
These placeholders will be substituted in any text in the following places:
- the mission name
- the mission description
- dialog messages contained in the mission
- conversations contained in the mission
For example, the mission description might be, "Deliver <cargo>
to <destination>
, by <date>
mission <name>
The mission name must be unique.
name <name>
Because the mission name must be unique, if you want to have the same name displayed for two different missions, you can specify the display name separately. This is useful, for example, if you want to have multiple jobs that all get displayed as "ferry passengers to <planet>
description <text>
This is a short description of the mission, with enough detail to make it clear to the player what they need to do to complete the mission, and what could cause the mission to fail.
blocked <message>
This is a short message that is displayed to the player if this mission cannot be offered, but only because they do not have enough cargo space or bunks available. (This does not count cargo space occupied by ordinary commodities, or bunks occupied by crew, because you will automatically sell / fire them if a special mission is offered.) The message uses all the standard text substitutions given above, as well as <capacity>
, which is a string describing how much additional capacity you need (e.g. "another bunk and 14 more tons of cargo space").
deadline [<days> [<multiplier>]]
The number of days you have to complete the mission. If the number of days is left out (i.e. it is just the word "deadline"), that means use the default deadline (2 days * number of hyperspace jumps to the destination). In a saved game, the <days>
amount is stored as an absolute date instead of a relative number, e.g. "deadline 29 1 3014".
If you specify a multiplier in addition to a number of days, the deadline will be (days + multiplier * number of hyperspace jumps to the destination). You can also combine multiple deadline statements; for example, having both an empty "deadline" statement and a "deadline 2" statement means offer the default deadline, plus two days.
cargo (random | <name>) <number> [<number> [<probability>]]
illegal <fine>
This specifies the cargo that you are carrying. If <name>
is one of the standard commodity names defined in the "trade" data, it will be replaced by a random one of the specific names for that commodity, e.g. "Food" might be replaced by "canned fruit" or "evaporated milk".
If the given cargo name is the word "random", a random basic commodity type will be chosen based on the relative commodity prices at the source and destination system. That is, it will attempt to pick a commodity that would make sense as an export from the one system to the other.
If two amounts are given instead of one, that means that a random amount should be chosen in between those two numbers (inclusive).
If three numbers are given, a random number will be chosen by adding the first number to a random number chosen from a negative binomial distribution with the given number of successes needed and probability. This produces numbers that are generally somewhat low but can occasionally be quite high, if you want to every once in a while have massive cargo missions, for example.
If the cargo is marked as "illegal," governments that care about such things will levy the given fine against you if you are caught carrying this cargo. If the fine is negative, being caught with this cargo while in flight is counted as an "atrocity" (the government that catches you immediately becomes your enemy, no matter how good your reputation was previously), and if you are caught in a spaceport with the cargo the result is a death sentence (game over).
passengers <number> [<number> [<probability>]]
This specifies the number of passengers. As with the cargo specification, if there are two or three numbers they are used to pick a random number.
This specifies that the mission does not show up in the player's list of missions, and cannot be canceled.
(priority | minor)
If a mission is marked "priority," no missions that are not "priority" missions will be offered alongside it.
If a mission is marked "minor," it will be offered only if no other missions are being offered at the same time. In general, any mission that starts a completely new mission string, and that could instead be offered at a later date, should be marked "minor." Missions continuing a string should not be marked "minor." The "priority" marker is only used for the intro missions, to suppress all other missions while the player is just learning the ropes.
(job | landing | assisting | boarding)
This specifies where this mission will be shown, if someplace other than the spaceport. If it is a "job", it will appear only if included in the job board (which only happens if the current planet names this mission as one of its job templates).
If this mission is to be shown at "landing," it shows up as soon as you land instead of waiting for you to visit the spaceport. This can be used, for example, to show a special conversation the first time you land on a particular planet or on any planet belonging to a certain species. It can also be used for a continuation of an active mission.
A mission shown when "assisting" or "boarding" will be shown when you repair a friendly ship or plunder a hostile ship, respectively. These missions are never shown when boarding a ship that you have boarded before, that belongs to you, or that is an NPC in an active mission. In either case, if the "on offer" conversation results in "launch" or "flee," the ship in question will be destroyed.
repeat [<number>]
If the word "repeat" appears by itself, this mission can be offered any number of times. If a number is given, that is the maximum number of times this mission can be offered. By default, each mission can only be offered once, so having a "repeat 1" specified is unnecessary.
If you want a mission to be offered any number of times but to limit the number of instances of the mission that can be active concurrently, you can decrement the "<mission name>
: offered" condition (described below) whenever the mission is completed, failed, or declined.
clearance [<message>]
This gives you landing clearance on the destination planet, even if normally you would not be allowed to land there, or would have to pay a bribe.
If a "clearance" tag appears followed by a message, if you hail your destination planet that message will be shown as the initial text, landing permission will be granted, and you will not have to pay a bribe. The message will be shown even for friendly planets so that this can be used to customize their hail, e.g. "Welcome back, Captain <last>
! Everyone's waiting for you at the spaceport."
If a "clearance" tag appears with no message, clearance is automatically granted without needing to hail the planet. You can use this, for example, if the mission involves secretly landing on a planet under the cover of darkness and the last thing you want to do is inform the authorities that you're coming.
If a specific destination is given (i.e. "destination <planet>
") and no clearance is included in the mission, you must pay a bribe if you are not allowed to land on that planet. (Sometimes bribing the authorities could be part of the mission plot.)
If the destination is specified via a filter, the filter will not match planets you cannot land on unless this mission contains a "clearance" tag. This may make it impossible for a particular mission to be offered.
The "clearance" tag may have child entries that specify a location filter, the same as the "source" and "destination" tags described below. In this case, you have clearance on all planets that match that filter, in addition to on the destination planet.
This indicates that you do not have access to any of the services on the destination planet, including refueling or repairing; all you can do is complete your mission and then leave. This is useful for missions that involve you landing secretly somewhere other than the spaceport; it wouldn't make sense to then allow the player to then walk around the spaceport or purchase things.
waypoint <system>
This specifies a system which you must fly through in order to complete the mission. You do not have to land on any planets or spend any amount of time there. Waypoints are marked on the map in red until they have been visited; then they disappear.
stopover [<planet>]
This specifies a planet that you must visit in order to complete the mission. The planet can either be named explicitly, or selected using a "filter" in the same format as the source and destination filters. As with waypoints, any number of stopovers may be specified.
# Conditions #"Conditions" are named values that represent things the player has done. Conditions start out with a value of zero, and can only have integer values. Conditions can have almost any name you want, as long as you make sure not to use the same name in two places. A few names are reserved for special purposes:
"<mission name>: offered"
, where<mission name>
is replaced with the name of any mission. This is incremented whenever a mission is offered to you, and is used by the "repeat" check to make sure a mission is not offered too many times. -
"<mission name>: active"
, where<mission name>
is replaced with the name of any mission. This is incremented when you accept a mission, and decremented when you complete, or fail it. -
"<mission name>: done"
is set when a mission is successfully completed. -
"reputation: <government>"
is set to your current reputation with the given government, rounded down to a whole number. These conditions can be changed to alter your reputation with a government. - "ships:
" is the number of ships you have of each category (Transport, Light Freighter, Heavy Freighter, Interceptor, Light Warship, Heavy Warship, Fighter, Drone). - "cargo space" and "passenger space" are your fleet's total cargo and passenger space (not reduced by the amount you are carrying already).
- "net worth" is your net worth, limited to the range of +- 2 billion.
- "combat rating" is your current combat rating (sum of the base crews of all the ships you have disabled).
- "day", "month", and "year" are the current date, given as individual variables so you can check for holidays, etc.
- "random" is a random number between 0 and 99. This can be used to make a mission only sometimes appear when all other conditions are met.
Conditions are checked at two times when processing a mission: when determining whether the mission can be offered right now (in the "to offer" tag), and when determining whether it has been completed successfully (in the "to complete" tag):
to (offer | complete | fail)
<condition> <comp> <value>
(has | not) <condition>
(and | or)
The <comp>
comparison operator can be ==
, !=
, <
, >
, <=
, or >=
. As a special shortcut, you can write "has <condition>
" instead of "<condition>
!= 0", or "not <condition>
" instead of "<condition>
== 0". The "never" condition always evaluates to false, so it can be used to create a mission that can never succeed.
Conditions can be changed when you are offered a mission or when you accept, decline, fail, or complete it, as described later in this document. You can "chain" missions together by having one depend on the "<mission name>
: done" condition set by a previous mission. Since all your existing missions complete before new ones are offered, that condition will be set before the check is done for what new missions are available.
A mission will not be offered if any of the "to fail" conditions are met, and will fail if it is active and one of those conditions changes so that it is satisfied.
The condition set is satisfied only if every condition listed is true. If instead you want it to succeed if any of the listed conditions are true (e.g. you have completed mission A or mission B), you can use an "or" sub-clause. Within an "or" clause you can have "and" clauses and so on, allowing you to check any arbitrary logical combination. For example, if you want a mission to be offered if "(has A or (has B and has C)) and (has D)":
to offer
has A
has B
has C
has D
A mission can be offered from a planet or ship, but all missions must have a destination planet. For missions offered on a planet, if no destination is given that same planet is used. This can be useful for missions that should end on the same planet they start on, such as "Kill pirate ship X and return here for payment."
For missions offered by a ship, you must always specify a destination, even if the mission is designed to always be "declined" - e.g. a message where the pilot thanks you for repairing them but asks for no further help.
If no source is specified, the mission will be offered whenever its "to offer" conditions are satisfied; this can be used to create a mission that is offered as soon as you complete another.
For the source and destination, you can either specify one particular planet, or give a set of constraints that the planet must match:
(source | destination) <planet>
(source | destination)
planet <name>...
government <name>...
attributes <name>...
near <system> [[<min>] <max>]
distance [<min>] <max>
Each entry in the source or destination specification acts as a filter:
planet <name>...
This says that the planet must be one of the named planets. The list of names can either be all on one line, or split between multiple lines if it is particularly long; the subsequent lines must be indented so that they are "children" of the "planet" node. As with most of these filters, you can also have more than one "planet" entry, in which case the planet chosen must be in any one of the lists.
system <name>...
The system must be one of the items in this list. You can use this if you do not want to bother to look up what planets are in the system, but its intended use is for the NPC location filter as described later.
government <name>...
The planet must be in a system owned by the given government. Again, the list can be all on one line, or multiple indented lines.
If this is a source filter and the mission is being offered when "assisting" or "boarding" a ship, the government in this filter refers to the ship's government, not the government of the current star system. This allows you, for example, to create a mission that is only offered by merchant ships.
attributes <name>...
The planet must have one of the given attributes (e.g. "dirt belt", "urban", "rich", "tourism", etc.).
Unlike the other filters, if multiple "attribute" tags appear, the planet must contain at least one attribute from each of the lists. For example, this means the planet must be urban or rich:
attributes urban rich
but this means it must be urban and rich:
attributes urban
attributes rich
There are also ways of specifying how far the system is from a particular location, or from the current location:
near <system> [[<min>] <max>]
If one number is given, the planet must be within that number of jumps from the given system (which includes the given system itself). If two numbers are given, the distance from the given system must be at least as high as the first number, and no more than the second. If no numbers are given, the planet must be in the given system or one of the systems it is linked to; this is equivalent to giving distances of 0 and 1.
distance [<min>] <max>
This is the same as the "near" tag, but gives distances relative to the origin planet. (So, this tag only makes sense within a "destination" filter, not within a "source" filter or a "clearance" filter.)
# Non-Player Characters (NPCs) #NPCs are ships that are associated with the mission in some way. This includes friendly ships the player must protect, and hostile ships the player must fight off or destroy:
npc (save | kill | board | disable | "scan cargo" | "scan outfits" | evade | accompany)...
government <name>
personality <type>...
confusion <amount>
system (<system> | destination)
system <name>...
government <name>...
near <system> [[<min>] <max>]
distance [[<min>] <max>]
dialog <text>
conversation <name>
ship <model> <name>
ship <model>
fleet <name>
Each "npc" tag may have one or more tags following it, specifying what the player must do with the given NPC:
- save: The mission fails if the given NPC is destroyed.
- kill: To complete the mission, the given NPC must be dead.
- board: To complete the mission, the player must board the given NPC. If the ship is destroyed before being boarded, the mission fails.
- disable: To complete the mission, the player must disable the given NPC.
- "scan cargo": To complete the mission, the player must scan the given NPC's cargo. If the NPC is destroyed before being scanned, the mission fails.
- "scan outfits": Same, but the player must use an outfit scanner instead of a cargo scanner.
- evade: you cannot complete the mission if any members of this NPC are in the same system as you.
- accompany: you can only complete the mission if all members of this NPC are in the same system as you.
government <name>
This specifies what government all the ships connected to this NPC specification will have. If no government is given, they are set to the player's government, as escorts.
personality <type>...
confusion <amount>
This defines the NPC's personality. The "confusion" tag is a special value, giving the inaccuracy in pixels of the ship's targeting systems; the default value is 10 pixels.
If an NPC is specified as starting out in your current system and its personality is not "staying" or "waiting", it will take off from the planet along with you (e.g. a ship you are escorting). A ship that is "entering" the current system might, for example, be a pirate raid chasing the fleet you are escorting, and a ship "staying" in a certain system might be a target you must locate for a bounty hunting mission. (Any ship that is not "staying" will actively seek the player out if it is in a different system.)
system (<system> | destination)
This specifies the exact system the NPC will start in: either the named system, or the mission's destination system if the given name is literally the word "destination". (The "destination" keyword is only supported in 0.9.1 and up.) Note that if no system is specified, either in this way or using a filter (below), the NPC will start in the current system.
system <name>...
government <name>...
near <system> [[<min>] <max>]
distance [[<min>] <max>]
This specifies a filter for choosing what system the NPC starts out in. The "system", "government", "near", and "distance" filters operate the same way they do in the descriptions in the previous section, and can be used instead of naming a particular system. For example, you could have the NPC start out in any Pirate system, or within two jumps of the current system.
dialog <text>
conversation <name>
This defines a dialog or conversation to be shown when you have first satisfied all the requirements of a given NPC. For more details on the syntax, see the "Triggers" section below.
If you want to retrieve passengers or cargo by boarding a ship, set up the mission so that you are considered to be carrying them from the very start (for example, the cargo might be called "reserved mission space" or "mission cargo"). Otherwise, it would be possible for the player to board a ship and then discover they do not have enough cargo or passenger space to complete the mission.
ship <model> <name>
ship <model>
This specifies a single ship as an NPC. There are two possible formats. The first format says to create a generic ship of the given model type (or named variant), such as "Falcon", or "Star Barge (Armed)". In that case, the ship will have the given name.
The second option is to give an entire ship specification, which can optionally include things like number of crew members remaining if you want to create a ship that starts out as a disabled "ghost ship."
fleet <name>
This specifies an entire fleet of ships. The first format refers to one or the standard fleets, such as "pirate raid" or "Small Republic". The second format gives a custom fleet, using the same syntax as normal "fleet" data entry. Every ship in the fleet will have the requirements given in the first line (such as "kill" or "save").
# Triggers #A mission can also specify what happens at various key parts of the mission:
on (offer | complete | accept | decline | defer | fail | visit | stopover | enter [<system>])
dialog <text>
conversation <name>
outfit <outfit> [<number>]
require <outfit>
payment [<base> [<multiplier>]]
<condition> (= | += | -=) <value>
<condition> (++ | --)
(set | clear) <condition>
event <name> [<delay>]
fail [<name>]
There are eight events that can trigger a response of some sort:
: when the initial mission is offered. This is the place to put the conversation or dialog that introduces the mission. -
: when the mission is completed. This is when the player gets paid. -
: if the player agrees to accept a mission. -
: if the player decides to decline a mission. -
: if the player decides to defer a mission. -
: if the mission fails. -
: you land on the mission's destination, and it has not failed, but you have also not yet done whatever is needed for it to succeed. -
: you have landed on the last of the planets that are specified as a "stopover" point for this mission. -
enter [<system>]
: your ship enters the given system for the first time since this mission was accepted. If no system is specified, this triggers as soon as your ship takes off from the current planet.
Some of the events below usually only make sense for certain triggers. In particular, dialogs and conversations can be shown when a mission is offered, but not in response to it being accepted or declined; just add the appropriate text to the offer conversation instead.
dialog <text>
This gives a message to be displayed in a dialog message to the user. If the trigger is "on offer", the dialog will have "accept" and "decline" buttons. Otherwise, it is a purely informational message and only an "okay" button is shown.
Each token following the "dialog" tag will be a separate paragraph. The first token may appear either on the same line or indented on a subsequent line.
As mentioned previously, text replacement is done on keywords like "<destination>
" and "<payment>
" within the dialog text.
conversation <name>
This specifies that a conversation will be shown to the player at this point in the mission. When a mission is being offered, the conversation can return "accept" or "decline"; conversations can also return special values like "die" (if the conversation ends with the player dying) or "launch" (if the player should take off from the planet immediately).
For missions that are offered when boarding a ship, if the conversation ends with "launch" or "flee," the ship in question will die.
As with the dialogs, text substitution is done throughout the conversation.
The syntax for conversations is described here.
outfit <outfit> [<number>]
require <outfit>
At this point in the mission, the named ship outfit (or some number of them, if a number is given) is installed in the player's flagship, or placed in the player's cargo if the flagship has no outfit space for it. If the number is negative, outfits are taken away. If a mission removes outfits in its "complete" phase, it cannot be completed unless that outfit exists. This makes it possible to loan the player an outfit for the duration of a mission, or to require that the player disable a non-NPC ship and steal a particular piece of technology from it.
If the outfit cannot be installed due to lack of space, a warning message will be shown so the player knows that the outfit is not actually active (and may in fact be lost if they leave the planet).
The "require" keyword checks that the player has at least one of the named outfit, but does not take it away. For example, this could be used in the "on offer" phase to only offer a mission to players who have a Jump Drive.
payment [<base> [<multiplier>]]
This specifies the payment for a mission, which depends on the number of jumps and the amount of cargo and passengers:
base + multiplier * (jumps + 1) * (10 * (# of passengers) + (tons of cargo))
If no base or multiplier is given, the default is base = 0, multiplier = 150. If a single value is given, it denotes a flat payment (i.e. multiplier = 0).
Normally, a "payment" value would only be given in the "on complete" section, but you can also have a negative value to be subtracted if the player fails the mission, or you could use a "payment" to advance the player some money when they first accept a mission. If the "on complete" payment is negative, the player cannot complete the mission if they have fewer than that number of credits.
<condition> (= | += | -=) <value>
<condition> (++ | --)
(set | clear) <condition>
This is used to adjust the "conditions" described previously, which form the requirements for other missions. You can either set the condition to a certain value (using the "=" operator), or add or subtract a value using "+=" or "-=". As a shortcut, "++" means "+= 1" and "--" means "-= 1". You must place a space between the condition, the operator, and the value in order for the parser to interpret it correctly.
The "set" and "clear" tags are shortcuts for "= 1" and "= 0".
To change the player's reputation or combat rating, you may alter the "reputation", "reputation: <government>
", or "combat rating" conditions. For example, a bounty hunting mission might automatically alter your reputation on whatever planet the mission ends on ("reputation"), and a mission for the Navy might improve your reputation with the Republic but reduce your reputation with the Free Worlds.
event <name> [<delay>]
This specifies that the given event happens at this point in the mission. Events may permanently alter planets or solar systems. If a delay is given, the event will occur that number of days from now, instead of happening immediately.
fail [<name>]
This causes the named mission (or this mission, if no name is given) to fail immediately. The name should be the unique mission name that is used in condition strings, etc., not the "display name" that is shown to the player. This can be used, for example, to create a mission which gives you an item or payment if it is accepted, but is not actually added to your mission list.