Content, Questions, and Interals - MarcelineVQ/endless-sky GitHub Wiki
weapons that fire weapons, like a rocket that shoots down missiles or an orb that shoots lasers at anything in range
neutron weaponry that kills the crew of a ship, seriously overpowered and I can't imagine how you'd balance it but it's a well known sci-fi thing
Korath Raiders use Intrusion Countermeasure outfit which has quarg icon and flavor text
barb proton variant should have a slightly different name than barb to make it apparent it's different and not an error in data
according to ships.txt barb has a variant name but the shop isn't using it -
Algenib's syndicate fleet presence is too high considering it's two jumps into pirate territory after an empty system and its merchant presence is also strange, bringing goods to the planet makes sense to a degree but everyone nearby will attack merchants
this is intended it seems due to events in the freeworld's storyline -
add a ship defibrillator outfit that will bring your ship back online after being disabled for a duration and possibly also give a small amount of hull repair in general
redundant, though still good for variety, if escorts become able to repair player automatically -
the number of nanobots in a system should increase over time if they are able to do hull damage to shipss
varu k'est has a typo in the description, spare
Flycatch is under interceptor but it has no interstellar systems
Does killing people when boarding cause rep changes?
the choice of when the fleet thumbnails in the bottom left of the main panel are lumped together is very arcane, look into what choices are made when
main menu map and missions map use slightly different colors or some sort of feathering which affects route line width and colors, intended?
since it has demarcations, check to see if some unreasonable fuel total breaks the fuel indicator in the main ui
game uses a concerning amount of fixed numbers in ui drawing, determine if they're just convenient and are actually scaled and if not consider options for scaleable UI
ship turning can be quite jittery when performing a boarding dock, possibly occurs with faster turn speeds, look for solutions to this
Fighters you capture seem to need to land on a planet before they'll recharge/repair in your bays, I guess 'ownership' doesn't happen until you land, like swizzle color change, is this intended? Check if bay regen is based off parent's shield and hull regen
is this reproduceable?
- commonly a stat is desired for the player's fleet which means a lot of for loop repetition in the code with slight variations, see if it's reasonable to create a playerfleet or fleetstat class to hold these commonalities as functions