Creating Releases - MarcScheib/legendsrising GitHub Wiki

Create a new release

  1. Start a new Release via Git Flow with the semantic version x.y.z based on the previous version.

    1. Increase x by one if there are major changes, set y and z to 0.
    2. Increase y by one if there are new features, keep x, set z to 0.
    3. Increase z by one for bug fixes, keep x and y.
  2. Push the release branch.

  3. Run the gulp prepare release task with the following command and argument (major for 1.1, minor for 1.2, patch for 1.3:

    gulp prepare-release --bump major|minor|patch
  4. Commit the result with the following message:

    chore(all): prepare release x.y.z
  5. Push the result.

  6. Git-Flow finish the release.

  7. On GitHub, go to Releases. Click on the new release, then, "Edit Tag" on the following page.

  8. As the title, type "LegendsRising x.y.z", as the text copy in the recent release notes from doc/

  9. Press "Publish Release"

Version Number Increasement

To increase the version number, execute the bump-version task:

gulp bump-version --bump major|minor|patch|prerelease