QMTHome - Maproom/qmapshack GitHub Wiki

Welcome to QMapTool

Use QMapTool (QMT for short) to reference and to cut your raster maps. Add overview layers to your map and optimize the color palette for faster map rendering. QMapTool is easier to use than many other similar tools.

QMapTool can be considered as a front-end to the well-known GDAL package.

If you want to download the QMapTool sources, visit the download page of QMapShack. The sources do not compile on their own and need to be part of QMapShack's build environment. (Note: This will be true for all releases after V 1.10.0. For 1.10.0 you have to checkout the code from the QMapShack repository.) Windows 64 binaries are available on the download page.

If you want to see screenshots or start with QMapTool, visit the documentation page.


Problems understanding the documentation? Your requirement is not addressed by the documentation? You want to add to the project, but you do not know where to start? You got lost in the source code and need some guidance? You just want to brag about the crazy new feature you plan to add?

For all these questions you can get in touch with development.

Unsupported Systems

Due to limited resources a few operating system versions are not supported:

  • Linux 32bit versions
  • Windows 32bit versions
  • OS X < 10.8
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