Permissions Table - MapStory/mapstory GitHub Wiki

As a social platform, MapStory gives different powers to different visitors to the site. The table below helps us track some of what 3 types of visitors to the site should see and be able to do: 1) Any visitor 2) A logged in User and 3) An Admin. As new features become available we can continually refine this table.

Action Any Visitor Logged in User Admin
Search for published layers and stories X
Play published layers and stories X
Embed a published story on another website X
Search for and view profiles of registered users X
See all layers and stories (published and unpublished) X
Import Data X
Create StoryLayers X
Compose and publish MapStory X
Download Data X
Edit their own StoryLayer X
Edit another StoryLayer (collaborative editing) X
Revert an edit made on a StoryLayer X
Turn off collaborative editing on a StoryLayer X
Favorite, Flag and Rate StoryLayers X
Receive Flags X
Comment on StoryLayers and MapStories X
Send messages to users X
Feature stories on Home X
Upload a custom thumbnail to Layers or Stories I own X
Upload a custom thumbnail to any Layer or Story X
Change published settings on a layer or story I own X
Change published settings on any layer or story X
Author Journal articles X
Delete Journal articles I wrote X
Delete Journal articles anyone wrote X
Update custom site content (i.e. footer, parallax, headline, Get Started items) X
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