MapStory Road Map - MapStory/mapstory GitHub Wiki

This road map presents the full scope of work for releases after the 0.1.0 release that occured in April 2017. Once this roadmap is approved by key stakeholders, highest priority items from this roadmap will be pulled and placed into Milestones by the development team, with story point estimates, so that length of work can be predicted. Note that priorities may naturally shift and change order as the team completes work, or as new resources and team members become available. MapStory is an agile open-source project that relies on constant communication and collaboration across the designers, developers, users and key stakeholders involved.

  1. Repository-Management-and-Practices
  2. Data-Model-Definition
  3. Temporal-Data-Model-Enhancements
  4. Importer-Enhancements
  5. Spatial-Narration-and-Story-Composer
  6. Editor-and-Curation-Workflow
  7. Profiles-and-Social-Features
  8. Module-Development-Guidelines