How to report a bug - MapStory/mapstory GitHub Wiki

Testing happens on the production site.

Prior to reporting a bug, talk to someone else in the #RapidFeedbackTeam channel or on the team to confirm that they are also able to see the bug using your reproduction steps. This is especially helpful, since it eliminates the possibility that the bug you saw is related to clearing your cache, etc., and something that definitely needs developer attention.

When reporting a bug, please provide:

  1. steps to reproduce the bug (if a developer cannot reproduce it, it becomes much more difficult to fix)

  2. URL where the bug occurred

  3. what user you're logged in as (what username, is it an admin?)

  4. screenshots of the bug

  5. operating environment (browser with version, OS, etc and which site, i.e.,

  6. time stamp (when this occurred)

  7. Be sure to apply the label "bug" to your issue when you submit it:

    screen shot 2016-12-20 at 11 11 27 am

An example of a helpful bug report:

When I visit and I'm logged in as the user "admin" (an admin user), I get an error message. To reproduce the bug, follow these steps:
1. While in the composer table of contents screen, click chapter 1.
2. Click on the first layer and wait for it to load onto the map.
3. Click on the a feature on the map.
4. Click again on the feature very quickly, before the info box appears.
5. The error message displays that requires a refresh (see screenshot).

When I saw this bug, I was using Chrome Version 54.0.2840.98 (64-bit), and Mac OS X 10.11.6.
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