HTML Styleguide - MapStory/mapstory GitHub Wiki

HTML Styleguide


Most of this styleguide was lifted from Rackspace's open source framework, EncoreUI. Most of these standards are based off of the guidelines provided by Google, and current developer preferences. Reading up on these materials will give you a much greater understanding of why these rules were chosen.

Basic Rules:

Use Two Space Indentations

The framework is indenting by two spaces at a time. Please do not use tabs or mix tabs and spaces when indenting.

Scenario 1

  <li>List Item...</li>

Scenario 2

This is an example of using the proper indentation with nested elements. Each child element is nested and indented two spaces from its parent element.

  <li>List Item
      <li>Nested UL List Item</li>

HTML Max Line Length

The maximum line length for HTML files should be 120 characters. Review line lengths during coding of HTML files, and break to a new line if it exceeds 120 characters. Hyperlinks are an exception to this rule. Hyperlinks can exceed the 120 character limit and must not be broken or separated.

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