Developer Setup - MapStory/mapstory GitHub Wiki
Warning - This page needs updating
Developer setup is described in the code repository README files - you should always check there for up to date instructions. This wiki will be updated to provide additional clues, examples and procedural advice.
Todo: how does mapstory and geonode development environments differ - and in particular how do you integrate and test additional modules for mapstory that are developed against geonode core?
The testing and update sections may still be relevant however.
This guide assumes you are running a Linux/OSX terminal and have the following commands available:
Note: We are installing everything inside the user's home directory (~
); if you want to install somewhere else just replace ~
with your custom path.
Run the following commands in your terminal.
cd ~
mkdir mapstory
cd mapstory
Inside our root mapstory/
directory run:
git clone
This will result in the following directory structure:
Install Vagrant
Important Note: You only need to provision the machine once. In the future, you can start the machine with vagrant reload
cd ~/mapstory/mapstory/scripts/provision/
vagrant up --provision
This will download and install a virtual machine and might take a while.
If you encounter any issues during this process, please create an issue following the Creating Issues guide.
From the project root directory (mapstory/
), run pip install virtualenv
. Next, run virtualenv venv
to create the virtual environment for the project.
Now your project should be configured so that you can run source venv/bin/activate
from the project root directory for local development.
Sometimes when running vagrant provision
, you may run across an error like this:
TASK [web : create or update django super user] ********************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "PYTHONPATH=. DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=mapstory.settings /home/mapstory/.virtualenvs/mapstory/bin/python -c \"import django; from geonode.people.models import Profile; django.setup(); p,_ = Profile.objects.get_or_create(username='admin'); p.is_staff=p.is_superuser=True; p.set_password('admin');\"", "delta": "0:00:03.734981", "end": "2017-04-24 16:05:55.996408", "failed": true, "rc": 1, "start": "2017-04-24 16:05:52.261427", "stderr": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"<string>\", line 1, in <module>\n File \"/home/mapstory/.virtualenvs/mapstory/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/\", line 734, in save\n force_update=force_update, update_fields=update_fields)\n File \"/home/mapstory/.virtualenvs/mapstory/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/\", line 771, in save_base\n update_fields=update_fields, raw=raw, using=using)\n File \"/home/mapstory/.virtualenvs/mapstory/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/dispatch/\", line 189, in send\n response = receiver(signal=self, sender=sender, **named)\n File \"mapstory/search/\", line 53, in handle_save\n index.update_object(instance, using=using)\n File \"/home/mapstory/.virtualenvs/mapstory/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/haystack/\", line 282, in update_object\n backend.update(self, [instance])\n File \"/home/mapstory/.virtualenvs/mapstory/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/haystack/backends/\", line 191, in update\n bulk_index(self.conn, prepped_docs, index=self.index_name, doc_type='modelresult')\n File \"/home/mapstory/.virtualenvs/mapstory/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/elasticsearch/helpers/\", line 182, in bulk\n for ok, item in streaming_bulk(client, actions, **kwargs):\n File \"/home/mapstory/.virtualenvs/mapstory/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/elasticsearch/helpers/\", line 124, in streaming_bulk\n raise e\nelasticsearch.exceptions.ConnectionError: ConnectionError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f4012b1ed90>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused) caused by: NewConnectionError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f4012b1ed90>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused)", "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": [], "warnings": []}
The Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused)
error is an indicator that Elastic Search is no longer running and needs to be restarted, which you can do manually like so from mapstory/mapstory/scripts/provision
vagrant ssh
sudo supervisorctl restart elasticsearch
Or you can follow the steps to set up an Elastic Search autofix below (which you'll need to do each time you re-provision).
There is a known problem with elasticsearch and it often needs to be restarted. This trick will automatically fix and restart elastic search anytime the virtual vagrant shell is started.
This step is optional but recommended so you don't have to manually restart elasticsearch.
Step 1: Start a vagrant shell
Inside ~/mapstory/mapstory/scripts/provision
vagrant ssh
Note: You must do all this as a regular user, not
This will start a shell on the virtual server
Step 2: Edit bash profile
Inside the virtual shell run:
nano ~/.bashrc
At the bottom of the file insert this text:
- Save with
- Exit with
Step 3: Create the fix script
Inside the virtual server shell run:
touch ~/
chmod +x ~/
nano ~/
Add this text to the file:
echo ""
echo "------------------------"
echo "Elastic Search Auto-Fix"
echo "------------------------"
echo ""
echo "[*] Creating Directory ..."
sudo mkdir /var/run/elasticsearch
echo ""
echo "[*] Chowning Directory ..."
sudo chown elasticsearch:elasticsearch /var/run/elasticsearch
echo ""
echo "[*] Restarting elastic search"
sudo supervisorctl restart elasticsearch
echo ""
echo "-----------------"
echo "Success fixing!!"
echo "-----------------"
echo ""
- Save with
- Exit with
Step 4: Reload bash profile
Run this on the virtual shell
source .bashrc
The elastic search auto-fix should now run every time you start a virtual shell.
./ test
To run with coverage report:
coverage run ./ test && coverage report && coverage html -d cover
This will generate documents. Open cover/index.html
to view coverage report in browser
Requires Protractor
To run automated browser tests:
Start the web driver and leave it running
cd mapstory/mapstory/mapstory/tests/
On a separate shell start the testing suite
cd mapstory/mapstory/mapstory/tests/
Your vagrant machine should now be installed and can be started like this:
cd ~/mapstory/mapstory/scripts/provision
vagrant reload
Assuming you've already provisioned vagrant, run vagrant up
from /mapstory/scripts/provision/
Then, from the root project folder run source venv/bin/activate
. This should create your virtual environment.
With (venv)
active, from /mapstory
run fab dev runserver
. If you haven't already, you may also need to run pip install ansible
and pip install fabric
after source venv/bin/activate
You'll be prompted to enter a password:
[] Login password for 'vagrant':
The password is vagrant
Now your server should be running at
From mapstory/static/
you can run grunt watch
to update assets as you save changes.
If you have trouble and aren't seeing your changes reflected, try running fab dev collect restart
from /mapstory
before rerunning fab dev runserver
. Note that image assets and test data are not provided in the local build and you'll have to add those yourself via the site (or from Django Admin).
From mapstory/scripts/provision
, run the following commands:
vagrant ssh
sudo supervisorctl restart elasticsearch
If that doesn't fix the problem, it may because there is no directory that exists for elastic search, in which case, try sudo supervisorctl tail elasticsearch
. If the output includes this error (or something similar):
- FileNotFoundException[/var/run/elasticsearch/ (No such file or directory)] /var/run/elasticsearch/ (No such file or directory)
...then run the following commands:
sudo mkdir /var/run/elasticsearch
sudo chown elasticsearch:elasticsearch /var/run/elasticsearch
sudo supervisorctl restart elasticsearch
If you reprovisioned, you may have lost additions you made locally to mapstory/settings/
. For example, you may need to add back the line THEME = 'orange'
if you want your local MapStory to show the orange theme that's used on production.
Sometimes the server doesn't shut down properly. In that case, you may see an error when you try to fab dev runserver
that looks like this:
[] out: Error: That port is already in use.
[] out:
Fatal error: sudo() received nonzero return code 1 while executing!
Requested: python runserver
Executed: sudo -S -p 'sudo password:' -u "www-data" /bin/bash -l -c "cd /srv/git/mapstory/mapstory >/dev/null && source /home/mapstory/.virtualenvs/mapstory/bin/activate && python runserver"
Disconnecting from done.
To fix this, run vagrant ssh
from /mapstory/scripts/provision/
Then, search for the server task: ps aux | grep runserver
Locate the pid (in www-data 9392 0.1 4.2 337708 86892 pts/0 S+ 13:54 0:01 python runserver
, the pid is 9392
), and enter sudo kill -9 [your pid here]
. So if your pid is 9392, you'd run sudo kill -9 9392
. You can check to see that you killed that task by running ps aux | grep runserver
. When you run this, you shouldn't see any tasks matching runserver
except for your grep
Once you've killed the process within vagrant, you can exit to return to your local terminal, where you should be able to run the server normally.
If importing layers locally hangs and will not complete, run vagrant provision
from mapstory/mapstory/scripts/provision/
to restart celery without doing a total rebuild.
Step 1: Start mapstory server:
If your mapstory virtual server is not up yet:
cd ~/mapstory/mapstory/scripts/provision
vagrant reload
Step 2: Start a vagrant shell:
vagrant shell
Step 1: Start a vagrant shell
cd ~/mapstory/mapstory/scripts/provision/
- Optional: (If your vagrant machine isn't up run:
vagrant reload
) vagrant ssh
Step 2: Work on mapstory as mapstory
This step is crucial! do not forget to workon mapstory as mapstory user only!
cd /srv/git/mapstory/mapstory/
sudo su mapstory
workon mapstory
Step 3: Run a management command
Now you should be able to run Django's management commands with ./
Start an ipython session with Django modules preloaded like this:
./ shell_plus
Run the automated tests:
./ test mapstory
Step 1: Clone the MapLoom project
Currently, MapStory uses a fork of MapLoom for the UI and underlying functionality of Composer. You can find the repo for that fork here. The branch is feature/composer-wip
To set up the fork for local development within the MapStory project, clone the repo into your MapStory parent folder:
$ git clone [email protected]:MapStory/MapLoom.git
Assuming you've set up a parent folder that houses all related MapStory repos, an ls
within that parent folder may look something like this after you've cloned the MapLoom fork:
~/dev/mapstory $ ls
developer-tools mapstory node_modules
MapLoom geonode venv
Step 2: Configure MapLoom Assuming you already have Node.js installed, run the following commands to configure MapLoom:
$ cd MapLoom
$ sudo npm -g install grunt-cli karma bower
$ npm install
$ bower install
Step 3: Configure MapStory to recognize the local instance of MapLoom
- Create the MapLoom directory in vagrant. First,
vagrant ssh
, then:
cd /srv/git/mapstory/mapstory/mapstory/static/
mkdir maploom
- Run
- Run
fab dev map_loom_django_dev
Note that your virtual machine should be running, or this command will time out. - Run
fab dev collect restart
- From /MapLoom dir,
grunt watch
should keep html changes updated in browser if you add new html files, anotherfab dev collect restart
from mapstory might be needed
Sometimes if changes are made to StoryTools, the virtual machine doesn't pick up those changes and you need to run bower install
manually in Vagrant.
These errors in the browser console are an indicator of this problem:
vendor-assets-min.js:4 Uncaught TypeError: a.indexOf is not a function
at r.fn.init.r.fn.load (vendor-assets-min.js:4)
at geonode:american_civil_war?showMetadata=true:1365
story-tools-core-all.css Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
2story-tools-vendor-all.js Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
util.js:1171 Uncaught ReferenceError: ol is not defined
at Object.7 (util.js:1171)
at s (util.js:7)
at util.js:7
at Object.1../time/boxes (util.js:8)
at s (util.js:7)
at e (util.js:7)
at util.js:7
at util.js:7
at util.js:7
jquery.min.js:2 Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr]$injector/modulerr?p0=viewer&p1=Error%3A…F%2F192.168.56.151%2Fstatic%2Fvendor%2Fangular%2Fangular.min.js%3A18%3A179)
at angular.js:38
at angular.js:4138
at r (angular.js:323)
at g (angular.js:4099)
at ab (angular.js:4025)
at d (angular.js:1452)
at uc (angular.js:1473)
at Jd (angular.js:1367)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (angular.js:26304)
at j (jquery.min.js:2)
story-tools-core-all.css Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
In the UI, this may show as a layer that displays "Loading..." indefinitely.
A) To fix from bower:
from mapstory/mapstory/mapstory/static/
, run bower update story-tools
then run fab dev collect
from your mapstory project directory
B) To fix from your VM:
vagrant ssh
cd /srv/git/mapstory/mapstory/mapstory/static/vendor
rm -rf story-tools
Then, exit vagrant ssh
and run bower install
from mapstory/mapstory/mapstory/static/
. You'll then need to run fab dev collect restart
. On hard refresh, this should fix the layer viewer and eliminate console errors.
It's possible that a bower update story-tools
and fab dev collect
may also be a solution without requiring a vagrant ssh
TODO: CONFIRM STEPS BELOW Set up StoryTools in the root mapstory directory and include this fab command in your fabfile:
def viewer_dev():
sudo('rm -rf /srv/git/mapstory/mapstory/mapstory/static_root/vendor/story-tools/dist/*')
sudo('cp /srv/git/mapstory/story-tools/dist/* /srv/git/mapstory/mapstory/mapstory/static_root/vendor/story-tools/dist/')
It copies your story-tools dev dir into vendor files. You could also symlink.