Beta Baseline - MapStory/mapstory GitHub Wiki
In 2015 we began a re-engineering of the MapStory prototype site which had previously soft launched in April 2012 and opened up for public registration in January 2013. This table represents the features checklist that informed the "MapStory Beta" re-engineering effort, which we aim to stamp as a 0.1.0 release in April, 2017. The Roadmap represents the development agenda for further releases beyond the 0.1.0 baseline in 2017.
There are 10 current ‘core components’ that encompass the Beta 0.1.0 release:
- Data importer – allows users to upload openly licensed spatio-temporal datasets as “StoryLayers”
- Icon Commons– allows user to upload openly licensed icons into a commons that all registered users can use in the MapStories they publish
- Create StoryLayer tool – allows users without data to create a new StoryLayer directly in the platform and then begin adding features to it
- Collaborative Version Edit tool – allows users to contribute edits to StoryLayers and track these changes by user accounts
- Append tool – allows users to add multiple edits to a StoryLayer at once
- Composer – allows users to style StoryLayers and add boxes, pins, and chapters with the goal of presenting a geospatially based narrative (MapStory).
- Publisher – allows users to have confidence that their published MapStory will be able to be viewed by anyone, either on the platform or as an embed elsewhere, and will appear as they designed it to appear in Composer
- Search - allows users to find StoryLayers and narratives by filtering through a set of categories and
- Peer Review & Peer Support – allows users to provide feedback on StoryLayers and MapStories created by other users and to provide help and documentation that helps other users succeed on the platform
- Profile Management – allows users to manage the content (StoryLayers and narratives) they produce and to represent themselves to the rest of the user community.
- Y: Functionality works
- N: Functionality not working
- F: Future release
- 1 (high priority), 2 (lower priority), 3 (lowest priority)
Component | Feature | Live on | Live on Staging | Needed for Beta Launch |
Data Importer | Import SHP files | Y | Y | Y |
Data Importer | Import CSV files | Y | Y | Y |
Data Importer | Importer Raster files | N | N | N |
Data Importer | Enable users to download datasets | Y | Y | Y |
Data Importer | Provide good documentation to user on importing | Y | Y | Y |
Icons Commons | Upload icons as svg | Y | Y | N |
Icons Commons | Upload collections of icons as svg | Y | Y | N |
Icons Commons | Use icons to style a story | N | N | N |
Create Layer tool | Let new user create layers | N | N | Y |
Create Layer tool | Let created layers be version editable by owner | N | N | Y |
Create Layer tool | Let created layers be version editable by other Users | N | N | Y |
Collaborative Version Edit tool | Let layers be version editable by other users | N | N | Y |
Collaborative Version Edit tool | Enable all edits to be tracked by user accounts (versioned editing) | Y | Y | Y |
Collaborative Version Edit tool | Enable user to manage editing permissions for their layer | N | N | N |
Collaborative Version Edit tool | Enable administrator to activate and deactivate community editing on a layer | N | N | N |
Append Tool | Enable user to upload large numbers of edits to a StoryLayer tracked in version history | N | N | Y |
Composer | Enable user to compose MapStory with styled StoryLayers, chapters, boxes and pins | N | N | Y |
Composer | Enable user to customize the title of the StoryLayers as they appear in their MapStory, as well as determine which attributes in a StoryLayer will appear as part of the legend | N | N | Y |
Composer | Enable user to create StoryPins that extend to the same time extents as StoryLayers | N | N | Y |
Composer | Enable user to upload many StoryPins at once | Y | Y | Y |
Publisher | Enable user to publish a MapStory to the public and play it quickly and cleanly | Y | Y | Y |
Publisher | Enable user to publish a StoryLayer to the public and play it quickly and cleanly | Y | Y | Y |
Publisher | Enable published MapStories to persist styles and settings defined by user in Composer | N | N | Y |
Publisher | Enable published StoryLayers to persist the zoom extent, timeline, legend and feature types as set by user who uploaded or created the StoryLayer | Y | Y | Y |
Publisher | Enable MapStory to be played on a continuous loop | N | N | N |
Publisher | Enable MapStory or StoryLayer to be viewed on a desktop of tablet | Y | Y | Y |
Search | Enable published StoryLayers or MapStories to be filtered by categories | Y | Y | Y |
Search | Enable published StoryLayers or MapStories to be filtered by tags | Y | Y | Y |
Search | Enable published StoryLayers or MapStories to be filter by spatial and temporal filters | N | N | N |
Peer Review & Support | Enable users to flag layers | Y | Y | Y |
Peer Review & Support | Enable users to provide threaded comments | Y (StoryLayers) | Y (StoryLayers) | Y |
Peer Review & Support | Enable users to rate content on a 5-star scale | Y (StoryLayers) | Y (StoryLayers) | Y |
Peer Review & Support | Enable users to send direct private messages to one another | Y | Y | Y |
Peer Review & Support | Enable users to author journal articles for all users to read | Y | Y | Y |
Peer Review & Support | Provide introductory trainings for users | Y | Y | Y |
Peer Review & Support | Provide a way for users to join a Volunteer Technical Community | Y | Y | N |
Profile | Enable users to manage a profile that presents all of the StoryLayers, MapStories, journal entries, and icons and activities a user taken the platform | Y | Y | Y |
Profile | Enable a group or organization to manage a profile that presents the users involved in their group, and their respective StorLayers, MapStories, journal entries, icons and activities taken on the platform | Y | Y | N |