Tester guide: getting started - ManvilleFog/buttonmen GitHub Wiki

How to start testing

Get a Github account

  1. Sign up for a Github account at: https://github.com/signup.

Watch the repository (optional)

  1. Go to https://github.com/buttonmen-dev/buttonmen and click the "Watch" button. This will keep you up to date with changes to the repository.

Tell us your IP address

The game website is only available to known IP addresses during the closed alpha. (We will open it up for the beta.)

  1. E-mail Chaos ([email protected]) with any IP address from which you'd like to test buttonmen. If you don't know your IP, google "What's my IP?"
  2. Chaos will write back and let you know when you are all set to access the site.

Join the mailing list

  1. Go to https://www.keyfitz.org/mailman/listinfo/buttonmen-alpha and subscribe to the list
  2. Send mail to [email protected] to coordinate with other testers

The list is for logistical discussion among testers. Use github tickets to discuss bug and feature requests.

Play the game

  1. Go to http://alpha.buttonweavers.com/ui/
  2. Create one or more users if necessary ...
  3. Login ...
  4. Create one or more games ...
  5. Try to beat people up!

Report issues

  1. Go to https://github.com/buttonmen-dev/buttonmen/issues.
  2. Find any issues that may be similar to your issue, using the search box at the top of the page.
  3. If your issue has already been reported:
    • read the previous issue carefully
    • add new information to the issue report if possible, including any new keywords
    • if the issue has been closed, reopen the issue
    • add appropriate labels (mostly, this will be 'bug' or 'enhancement')
  4. If your issue has not yet been reported:
    • create a new issue
    • add a title that is short, descriptive, and has a number of important keywords
    • add a description of the issue, how and when it occurs, possible workarounds, etc.
    • if possible, tell us how to replicate the issue
    • if you have a bug, leave the game in the broken state, so that we can look more closely at it
    • add appropriate labels (mostly, this will be 'bug' or 'enhancement')

The developer team will assign issues to specific developers and milestones, so you don't have to worry about these drop-downs.

Chat on the IRC channel

The development team have been using IRC to chat in real time. This is also open to testers.

If you want to find us, here's where we hang out:

irc.freenode.net, channel #buttonmen