Developer guide: james git crib sheet - ManvilleFog/buttonmen GitHub Wiki

git fetch get changes from all remote archives
git fetch REMOTE get changes from the REMOTE remote archive
git merge REMOTE/BRANCH merges REMOTE/BRANCH into current branch
git push REMOTE BRANCH push local to REMOTE, branch BRANCH
git remote add jl8e add remote jl8e
git branch show all local branches
git branch -a show all local and remote branches
git branch BRANCH create new local branch BRANCH
git checkout BRANCH change active branch to BRANCH
git branch -d BRANCH delete local branch BRANCH
git push origin :BRANCH delete remote branch BRANCH
git log get log
git reset --hard VERSION_ID revert a branch to version VERSION_ID
git reset --hard HEAD~1 delete the most recent commit and revert
git remote prune origin remove local branches that have been removed from remote
git stash stash changes
git stash apply apply stashed changes
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️