GitHub Wiki page - ManuuTejuu/Learning GitHub Wiki

#Table of contents

  1. Hello Note
  2. ManuuTejuu
  3. Data

Welcome to the Learning wiki!

Hello Everyone

My name is manoj kumar. I am going to discuss all about software documentation using githubwiki today.

ManuuTejuu are Lovers

We will have a journey regarding the software documentation using markdown language GitHub Wiki.

Data Management

One should know how to control the data flow.

col1 col2 col3
Manuu Tejuu Lovers
India Australia U.S.A Russia China
Information Type Description
User Guide This helps user to understand the features available for the respective software
Admin Guide This helps the admin person to refer himself to configuration related steps whenever required
Context help This is automatic help available at the software from the information icon

[email protected]

Information Type Description
User Guide asdfghjk
Admin Guide asdfghjkl
Context Help qwertyuio

One should know how to control the data flow.

col1 col2 col3
Manuu Tejuu Lovers
India Australia U.S.A Russia China
One should know how to control the data flow.
col1 col2 col3
Manuu Tejuu Lovers
India Australia U.S.A Russia China
One should know how to control the data flow.
col1 col2 col3
Manuu Tejuu Lovers
India Australia U.S.A Russia China
One should know how to control the data flow.
col1 col2 col3
Manuu Tejuu Lovers
India Australia U.S.A Russia China
One should know how to control the data flow.
col1 col2 col3
Manuu Tejuu Lovers
India Australia U.S.A Russia China
One should know how to control the data flow.
col1 col2 col3
Manuu Tejuu Lovers
India Australia U.S.A Russia China