Manta Parachain with XCMP - Manta-Network/Manta GitHub Wiki

Manta Parachain with XCMP

Follow this link to compile related projects:

Relay chain

  • relay chain spec
./target/release/polkadot build-spec --chain rococo-local --disable-default-bootnode --raw > rococo.json
  • Alice node
./target/release/polkadot \
--base-path alice \
--chain rococo-local \
--alice \
--rpc-cors 'all' \
--discover-local \
  • Bob node
./target/release/polkadot \
--base-path bob \
--chain rococo-local \
--bob \
--rpc-cors 'all' \
--unsafe-ws-external \
--ws-port 9945 \
--discover-local \
--port 30335

Manta Parachain

  • Manta Parachain with para id 6666
  1. Parachain genesis file
./target/release/manta-pc export-genesis-state --parachain-id 6666 --chain manta-pc-local > manta-pc-6666-state

./target/release/manta-pc export-genesis-wasm --raw --chain manta-pc-local > manta-pc-6666-wasm
  1. Start it.
./target/release/manta-pc \
--base-path 6666 \
--chain manta-pc-local \
--ws-port 9979 \
--port 30438 \
--parachain-id 6666 \
--validator \
--alice \
--force-authoring \
-lcumulus-collator=trace,cumulus-network=trace,cumulus-consensus=trace \
-- \
--discover-local \
--no-beefy \
--chain rococo.json
  • Manta Parachain with para id 7777
  1. Parachain genesis file
./target/release/manta-pc export-genesis-state --parachain-id 7777 --chain manta-pc-dev > manta-dev-7777-state

./target/release/manta-pc export-genesis-wasm --raw --chain manta-pc-dev > manta-dev-7777-wasm
  1. Start it.
./target/release/manta-pc \
--base-path 7777 \
--chain manta-pc-dev \
--ws-port 9978 \
--port 30439 \
--parachain-id 7777 \
--validator \
--alice \
--force-authoring \
-lcumulus-collator=trace,cumulus-network=trace,cumulus-consensus=trace \
-- \
--discover-local \
--chain rococo.json
--no-beefy \

Follow this link to register both parachains: Tips: Be careful with the para id.

Open HRMP on Relaychain

Follow both following figures to open hrmp channel under sudo permission.

Send transaction between parachains

Submit a transaction at parachain 6666 to parachain 7777. Tips: Go to Explore to see some event will be triggered. Or check logs showed in the terminal.

Send transactions between parachain and relaychain
