Manta Parachain Testing - Manta-Network/Manta GitHub Wiki
Manta Parachain Testing
- Compile.
git clone
cd polkadot
git checkout release-v0.9.3
cargo build --release
- Generate relaychain chain spec.
./target/release/polkadot build-spec --chain rococo-local --disable-default-bootnode --raw > rococo.json
- Start two nodes.
- Alice node
./target/release/polkadot \
--chain rococo-local \
--alice \
--tmp \
--rpc-cors 'all' \
--discover-local \
- Bob node
./target/release/polkadot \
--chain rococo-local \
--tmp \
--bob \
--rpc-cors 'all' \
--unsafe-ws-external \
--ws-port 9945 \
--discover-local \
--port 30334
Manta Parachain
- Compile.
git clone
cd Manta
git checkout manta-pc
cargo build --release
- Generate genesis state and genesis wasm file.
- Genesis state
./target/release/manta-pc export-genesis-state --parachain-id 6666 --chain manta-pc-local > manta-pc-6666-state
- Genesis wasm
./target/release/manta-pc export-genesis-wasm --raw --chain manta-pc-local > manta-pc-6666-wasm
- Start Manta Parachain node. The para id is
./target/release/manta-pc \
--tmp \
--chain manta-pc-local \
--ws-port 9946 \
--port 30335 \
--parachain-id 6666 \
--validator \
--alice \
--force-authoring \
-- \
--discover-local \
--chain rococo.json
Tips: Now, Manta Parachain is using aura instead of babe, this param is necessary --force-authoring
- Register Manta Parachain on relaychain. Just follow this screenshot.
After about 2mins, you'll see parachain starts producing blocks.