How to use pallet asset - Manta-Network/Manta GitHub Wiki

Prepare a environmet

Git clone the substrate, compile and start it. The latest version of substrate includes pallet-asset in its entirety.

git clone
cd substrate
cargo build --release
./target/release/substrate --dev --tmp

Set a new asset

Click Network-Asset and then click the Create button to set a new asset.

Here, asset-symbol is the unit in which you issue your assets. Minimum balance indicates the minimum number of tokens that each asset needs to contain.

Click the Next button then set with another page.

Then you need to set the admin account, issuer account and freezer account. admin account is an account ID uniquely privileged to be able to unfreeze (thaw) an account and it's assets, as well as forcibly transfer a particular class of assets between arbitrary accounts and reduce the balance of a particular class of assets of arbitrary accounts. issuer account and freezer account represent the accounts that can issue tokens in the asset and freeze access to the asset's account respectively.

Click Create button and you can see the asset here.

Mint some token for asset

Click Mint button and set it. The amount to issue must large than minimum balance.

Succes when you see it


Click Balance page and select the asset to query for balances. Then click send button to make a transfer.

Same with the mint process, the amount to transfer must large than minimum balance.

Send and if success, you will see it

destroy the asset

Go to the Developer - chain state to check the witness with your asset id. Here, accounts,sufficients and approvals represent the three attributes of witness

Then go to Developer - Extrinsics, use pallet-asset-destroy method to destroy the asset you create.

Here, accounts,sufficients and approvals are the values recorded in the chain state. Remember using admin account to make sure you have permission to do it.

If you success, go back to Asset page and you will see it: