How to use a mulsig sudo account - Manta-Network/Manta GitHub Wiki

How to use a mulsig sudo account

  1. Create a mulsig account. This mulsig account has 5 signatories with threshold 3.

  2. Send some tokens to this account.

  3. Reassign sudo right to this mulsig account.

  4. Now, use this account has sudo right. For instance, we can use this account for runtime upgrade.

This is the first time for signing this extrinsic with Alice. Now yo can see the status of this mulsig account who has collected one signature.

Do it again with the same params with Eve.

Now, there're two accounts who has signed this extrinsc, but we need to collect three signatures to approve this extrinsic. Do do it again.

After last account signs this extrinsic, this transaction should be executed. Please check the spec_version should be bumped. And some events you can find at front-end.