Database console - ManishKakarla/Exercise-N1 GitHub Wiki
1. Sign in to your mongoDb Atlas account using the url
2. Click on create a new cluster, then a new cluster would get created for the project
3. Below is the cluster created .Now click on Connect.
4. After clicking on connect, the below window appears. Click on connect your application.
5. Choose a connection method:
Select your driver and version and Add your connection string into your application code
Replace with the password for the Laxmanreddy123 user. Replace myFirstDatabase with the name of the database that connections will use by default. Ensure any option params are URL encoded. Then copy the URL string link and paste it in the MongoDB connection code snippet in the created app
6. I am using Mongo Atlas here to connect to the cluster and create a database. You can do it in MongoDB Atlas as well.
Click on Create Database and give the Database name and the Collection name.
7. Add data to the db by using insert document tab