Run PixelWeb on Boot - ManiacalLabs/PixelWeb GitHub Wiki

Linux Systems

PixelWeb, in most cases requires root/sudo access to run on Linux. It's possible to setup the system permissions to work around this, but that's a much longer article. For now, we'll assume that in the case of your setup, it's OK that the PixelWeb server is running as root.

The simplest way is to setup an on reboot cron job.

In the terminal, enter:sudo crontab -e This will open the root cron file. Enter the following line at the end:

@reboot run-pixelweb > /tmp/pixelweb.log

@reboot tells cron to run the scrip on every boot. > /tmp/pixelweb.log places the server output in /tmp/pixelweb.log so that you can watch the output, as the process runs in the background.

The file is being edited in vi, so to save and exit pres <esc>, followed by :wq, and finally <enter>.

Reboot your machine and pixelweb will automatically start. To view the log, run the following command:

tail -F /tmp/pixelweb.log

This will continue to follow the files as it updates. This log will be overwritten every time the system boots.

To kill the pixelweb server, since it's running in the background, run the following command.

sudo pkill -9 run-pixelweb
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