Network - ManiacalLabs/BiblioPixel GitHub Wiki


Network allows sending LED data as TCP packets over the network to any device running a NetworkReceiver instance or any other receiver that implements the same protocol. Using this class is completely abstracted from the actual hardware being controlled, which is handled instead on the receiving end. It can be used with both Strip and Matrix. Usage is as follows:
from bibliopixel.drivers.network_receiver import NetworkReceiver
from bibliopixel.drivers.LPD8806 import *
from bibliopixel.led import Strip

#must init with same number of pixels as sender
driver = LPD8806(100)
led = Strip(driver)

receiver = NetworkReceiver(led)
receiver.start() #returns immediately, must loop or do other work
from import Network
from bibliopixel.led import Strip

#must init with same number of pixels as receiver
driver = Network(100, host = "")
led = Strip(driver)

#run animations here


(num = 0, width = 0, height = 0, host = "localhost", port = 3142)

  • num - Number of pixels to be controlled.
  • width - Width of matrix, optional. Automatically passed to Matrix.
  • height - Height of matrix, optional. Automatically passed to Matrix.
  • host - Network name or IP address of the receiver to connect to.
  • port - Port number to use. Only need to change if port is already in use on the receiving system or if using multiple receivers.



  • brightness - 8-bit (0-255) brightness value.

When using Nework, calling setMasterBrightness will attempt to pass along the brightness request to the receiving end and, in turn, along to the hardware, if supported. If it is supported in the receiving hardware it will return True, otherwise False.


Each packet sent to the network receiver follows the same format:

command length (n) data
0 to 255 high byte low byte n bytes of message data

Command values currently use the following values, as defined in the CMDTYPE enumeration:

class CMDTYPE:
    SETUP_DATA = 1 #reserved for future use
    PIXEL_DATA = 2 #raw pixel data will be sent as [R1,G1,B1,R2,G2,B2,...]
    BRIGHTNESS = 3 #data will be single 0-255 brightness value, length must be 0x00,0x01

After each command is sent, the receiver returns a single byte return code, as defined by the RETURN_CODES enumeration:

	SUCCESS = 255 #All is well
	ERROR = 0 #Generic error
	ERROR_SIZE = 1 #Data receieved does not match given command length
	ERROR_UNSUPPORTED = 2 #Unsupported command
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