Booleans - Manhunter07/MFL GitHub Wiki

Booleans are binary values that support two distinct states: true (represented by True) and false (represented by False). A boolean can be either, but not both or none. The Boolean type represents the common type constraint for boolean values.


See also: Operators#Booleans


Operator Operation
- Negation (NOT)

The positive prefix operator (+) does not perform any operation.

A negation (-), also known as logical NOT, inverts the operand and returns True for False and False for True.


Operator Operation
+ Conjunction (AND)
* Disjunction (OR)
?= Equality


First operand Second operand Result
False False False
False True False
True False False
True True True

A conjunction (+), also known as logical AND, returns True if both operands are True, otherwise False.


First operand Second operand Result
False False False
False True True
True False True
True True True

A disjuncion (*), also known as logical OR, returns True if either operand is True, otherwise False.

Type check

Like any other data type, booleans support the type compatibility check operator (?:). It returns True on the Boolean type, but also any other type that supports the respected value(s).

See also