Transaction - Mangopay/mangopay2-ruby-sdk GitHub Wiki

The Transaction Object

Property Type More
Id Integer
Tag String
CreationDate Date
AuthorId Integer
CreditedUserId Integer
DebitedFunds Money Hash { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 10 }
CreditedFunds Money Hash { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 10 }
Fees Money Hash { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 10 }
Status String either CREATED, SUCCEEDED or FAILED
ResultCode String
ExecutionDate Date
Type String either PAY_IN, PAY_OUT or TRANSFER
Nature String either NORMAL, REFUND or REPUDIATION

Retrieving all the transactions from a wallet


  • wallet_id: The id of the wallet you want to fetch the transactions from
  • filters: A Hash:
    • Status: String either CREATED, SUCCEEDED or FAILED
    • Type: String either PAY_IN, PAY_OUT or TRANSFER
    • Nature: String either NORMAL, REFUND or REPUDIATION
    • Direction: String either DEBIT or CREDIT
    • BeforeDate: Date
    • AfterDate: Date


An Array of all the Transaction from the given wallet


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️