Publy Publication List Format - Mangara/publy GitHub Wiki

For Publy, a publication list is a plain text file very similar to a BibTeX file. In fact, almost all BibTeX files will work with Publy without any modification, but Publy supports some features that plain BibTeX does not. This page describes the differences between Publy's format and the standard BibTeX format.

The first and most useful difference is that Publy adds support for tags that contain information specifically for Publy. Other than that, there are some new or modified entries and fields.


Global Publy-specific information is encoded in the form of HTML-like tags. Publy currently uses two different tags: author and abbreviation tags. Use of these tags is completely optional, but they make it much easier to maintain consistency in large publication lists.

Author tags

Author tags make it easier to add the same author to multiple entries, avoiding inconsistently or misspelled names. They also let you add other information, like a website, for each author. A simple author tag looks like this:

<author short="me" name="Verdonschot, Sander">

There are two required fields:

  • short - The shorthand used to refer to this author in the publication list.
  • name - This author's full name, using LaTeX syntax for special characters.

And two optional fields:

  • url - This author's website.
  • group - A CSS class that will be applied to this author in the HTML version of the publication list.

A full example looks like this:

<author short="padawan" name="Wan, Pada" url="" group="student">

Authors can be inserted into publication information by writing the defined shorthand between matching double angle brackets: << and >>. For example, a journal article written by the two authors above could be specified as follows.

  author={<<padawan>> and <<me>>},

These author abbreviations can only be used in the author and editor fields of an entry.

Abbreviation tags

Abbreviation tags make it easier to write the same stuff over and over. They look like this:

<abbr short="proc" full="Proceedings of the">

With two required fields:

  • short - The shorthand used for this abbreviation throughout the publication list.
  • full - The expanded text that appears in the final publication lists generated by Publy.

Abbreviations are invoked in the same way as author tags, by placing the shorthand between a pair of double angle brackets: <<proc>>. The difference is that abbreviations can be used in any field of an entry, and they are processed first. This means that abbreviations can contain author links, as in the following example, but not the other way around.

<author short="me" name="Verdonschot, Sander">
<author short="padawan" name="Wan, Pada" url="" group="student">

<abbr short="team" full="<<padawan>> and <<me>>">

<abbr short="proc" full="Proceedings of the">
<abbr short="acat" full="Awesome Conference on Amazing Things">

  title={Great title},
  booktitle={<<proc>> 11th <<acat>>},

This will result in:

Great title
Pada Wan and Sander Verdonschot.
In Proceedings of the 11th Awesome Conference on Amazing Things, 2015.

Changes to entries and fields

Publy makes a few changes to the accepted entries and fields. Mostly these extend BibTeX's defaults to make the format more suitable for an online CV.

New fields

Publy has custom support for the fields below. These can be used with any entry, but typically do not change the displayed bibliographic information.

  • abstract - A short description of the entry's contents. This can be displayed (and even toggled) on the generated website.
  • file - The location of a digital copy of the paper (relative to the website). Publy will automatically generate a link whose anchor text reflects the filetype, for example "pdf" for PDF files. Only use this field for local resources, for resources elsewhere on the internet the link field, discussed below, is more appropriate.
  • pubstate - The publication status of the manuscript. If this field is missing, it indicates that the manuscript has been published. Otherwise, the following options are available:
    • "inpreparation" for manuscripts being prepared for publication,
    • "submitted" for manuscripts submitted to a journal or conference,
    • "accepted" for manuscripts accepted to a journal or conference,
    • "acceptedrev" for manuscripts accepted to a journal or conference, conditional on minor modifications being made,
    • "inpress" for manuscripts that are fully copy-edited and out of the author’s hands; it is in the final stages of the production process, and
    • "prepublished" for manuscripts that are published in a preliminary form or location, such as an online version in advance of print publication.
  • url, doi, isbn, and issn - Publy automatically adds an appropriate link for these fields. For instance, the link for a paper with doi={10.1007/978-3-642-33024-7_3} would look like this: DOI.
  • link, link1, link2, etc. - Arbitrary hyperlinks to related content. These consist of an anchor text, followed by either a relative path locating a file on the website, a # followed by the bibtex identifier of another publication on your CV, or a fully qualified url to an external resource. Examples:
    • link={Anchor|images/anchor.png}
    • link2={Slides (pdf)|slides/AwesomeTalk.pdf}
    • link3={Full version|#fullversion}
    • link4={Demonstration|}
    • link5={Corresponding author|mailto:[email protected]}
  • arxiv - The identifier, and optionally primary class, of an preprint of the paper. Publy automatically generates an appropriate link to the paper. For example, a paper with arxiv={1212.0570 []} would get the link: arXiv. In addition, if the paper has not yet been published, the arxiv preprint information can be shown when a visitor asks for the BibTeX to cite the paper.
  • presented - If this has the value "yes", it indicates that you gave the talk for this paper. You can specify text (including HTML) to place after the title of papers you presented.

New entries

Publy adds three new entry types (all inspired by BibLaTeX):

  • online - A website or other online resource. Required fields: author, title, year, url. Optional fields: organization. (Alias: www.)
  • report - A report published by a school or other institution, usually numbered within a series. Required fields: author, title, type, institution, year. Optional fields: number, address, isrn. (Alias: techreport. This automatically sets the type to "technical report".)
  • thesis - A master's or doctoral thesis. Required fields: author, title, type, school or institution, year. Optional fields: address, isbn. (Aliases: mastersthesis or phdthesis. These come with a default type value of "Master's thesis" and "PhD thesis", respectively.)

Publy also adds several aliases to the standard BibTeX entries (also inspired by BibLaTeX):

  • suppperiodical - Alias for article.
  • mvbook, collection, mvcollection, periodical, reference, or mvreference - Aliases for book.
  • bookinbook, or suppbook - Aliases for inbook.
  • suppcollection, or inreference - Aliases for incollection.
  • mvproceedings - Alias for proceedings.

Modified entries

Publy requires that all entries have the following fields: title, year, and either author or editor. BibTeX does not require this for the entry types booklet, manual, misc, proceedings, and unpublished. Otherwise the entry types are unchanged.

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