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Welcome to the Battleship wiki page!

1. Team and title details

Our Team name is Battleship 2019

Team Details

Group member:

(1) Manfred Tham (100088899)

(2) Yong Zhi Kiong (101208041)

(3) Muhammad Irfan Elahee (100080138)

2. What is a Battleship game? What is the targeted platform, visual style and audio style we plan to adapt?

Battleship (also Battleships or Sea Battle) is a strategy type guessing game for two players. It is played on ruled grids (paper or board) on which each player's fleet of ships (including battleships) are marked. The locations of the fleets are concealed from the other player. Players alternate turns calling "shots" at the other player's ships, and the objective of the game is to destroy the opposing player's fleet.

Battleship Game Wireframe:

Targeted Platform:

  • We will be creating this app for Android mobile devices, so that friends can play against each other on their phones. In the future we may also target iPhones. By creating for Android, we leverage the most popular mobile platform to ensure high uptake of our game.

Visual Style

  • We will be aiming for a very old school visual style. The overall motif is sepia, age-of-sail chart style drawings. Grid pages should look hand-drawn, and ship drawings should appropriately old.

Audo Style

  • In keeping with the visual style, we will use audio effects suited to sail ships, and seagulls.

3. Graphical User Interfaces (3)

Start Screen:

In-Game Screen:

End-Game Screen:

4. Description of each GUI listed in (3)

  1. Start Screen: This is the start screen which also functions as a menu screen. After the players have entered their name, the next screen will be shown / the game will start.

  2. In-Game Screen: In the game, each player first need to place all five battleships onto the board. After placing all the battleships, the players will take turns to select the tiles that they want to hit. If a battleship is hit, the 'hit battleship' sound effect will be played and the tile will be placed with a 'X' mark. If the player do not hit the battleship (hit water), the 'hit water' sound effect will be played and the tile will also be added with the 'X' mark. When a battleship is destroyed, the image of the battleship will turn into the image of destroyed battleship. Players will continue to attack each other until one of the player has sunk all the opponent's battleships.

  3. End-Game Screen: The end screen will be displayed when all the battleships of one of the player has been destroyed. The score/result of the player be shown simultaneously with the 'Victory' or 'Defeat' sound effect playing in the background. The player can also choose to restart the game by clicking "PLAY AGAIN" button.

5. How to play a digital battleship game? (rules or mechanics)

  1. There will be two players per game with each of them having 5 ships of different size (2 to 5) squares
  2. The player starts off by secretly placing the ships on a grid of ten columns by ten rows. These represent the location of the ships on a battlefield.
  3. Once determined who will go first, the first person will pick a sqaure at random, calling it by its reference of column reference and row number, for example D4. This will represent them firing a missle directly at the squre.
  4. If the opposing player has any part of one of their ships positioned on this square they must call “hit” and mark on their battlefield (grid) which part has been hit.
  5. Equally the attacking player will place an “X” on their blank grid (the mirror of their opponents field) to show a hit. In this instance the first player will now be allowed to make another guess. This continues until the attacking player misses.
  6. The player who successfully locates all their opponent’s ships first by hitting each square they occupy is the winner as all ships have been destroyed.

6. Resources we need to prepare for battleship game (images, sounds)


  • 2 sets of 5 ships (aircraft carrier is 5 squares long, battleship is 4 squares long, 2 submarines and 1 destroyer is 3 squares long, and a patroal boat which is 2 sqaures long)
  • Two 10x10 grid with numbers as the columns and letters (A-Z) as a reference for the row


  • Missle launching sound effects
  • Explosion sounds effects