YAML Header - Mandarancio/scidown GitHub Wiki

SciDown support a YAML header to configure the parsing and as well to add information about the document such as the title, the authors and more.

The available keywords are the following:

Keyword Function
title Title of the document
author Add an author to the document (possible multiple authors)
affiliation Authors affiliation
keywords Keywords of the document
style css to use
numbering enable or disable the sections numbering (true or false).
font-size font size (for LaTeX only, int)
class document class (for LaTeX only, beamer class also HTML )
paper paper size (A0-A6, B0-B6, C0-C6, b0j-b6j, letter, executive, legal, 4:3-16:9 for presentation) (for LaTeX and marker pdf export only)


This is a typical YAML header:

title: Title
author: Name Lastname
affiliation: Institute
keywords: word1, word2, word3
style: scidown_report.css
numbering: true
# Chapter I

## Section A

## Section B

# Chapter II

And this is the rendered result:

Header rendered