Installing and Using Manak - Manak-org/Manak GitHub Wiki
##Supported Compilers Manak is tested on following compilers -
- GNU G++(>= 4.7)
- LLVM Clang++ (>= 3.2)
- Visual Studio(>= 2012)
##Installing On Linux(or like environments) Manak has no dependencies and can work as header only.
###Building and Installing with CMake
- Download and extract the source into folder.
- cd into that directory
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ../
- sudo make install
This will install Manak header files into /usr/local/includes. To generate the documentation run command 'make doc' in build.
###Manual Installation You can just copy the 'manak' folder(./src/manak) into the directory of your choice. While compiling, don't forget to add that directory to the compilers search path. Use CMake build for use with dynamic linkage.
##Installing on Windows
###Installing with CMake You can download CMake GUI for Windows and install Manak with it.
###Manual Installation Sometimes working with CMake on Windows is really confusing. So if you are using Visual Studio environment of MinGW environment you can just copy the 'manak' folder (./src/manak) into the default search path of your environment. To build Manak for dynamic linkage you have to use CMake for windows.
##Using Manak To use manak you only have to add manak.hpp to your project, which will let you use all the macros and functions available. But before including manak.hpp you should set the environment for Manak. See [Setting Environment](Setting Environment). Check out [Using Manak Effectively in Multi File Project](Using Manak Effectively in Multi File Project) to use Manak in multi file projects.
#include <iostream>
Set Manak environment;
#include <manak/manak.hpp>
Manak can be used both with static linkage and dynamic linkage. The default is static linkage. To use Manak with dynamic linkage -
#include <iostream>
Set Manak environment;
#include <manak/manak.hpp>
With this you need to provide the shared object generated in build to the linker. If you have installed Manak to one of the default directories, passing option '-lmanak' should work.
##Command Line Arguments The following are the command line arguments available for any Manak generated executable.
- '-h': Print help
- '-s ': Save the generated for later comparisons. See [Comparison Framework](Comparison Framework) for more information.
- '-c ': Load previously saved benchmarks for comparison. See [Comparison Framework](Comparison Framework) for more information.
- '-r ': Run benchmark cases matching given regex. See [Quick Guide](Quick Guide) for more information.
- '-f : Change format of default output. Available formats are "HTML" and "TXT". Default is set to "HTML". See [Output Formats](Output Formats) for more information.
- '-o : Redirect the output to given file. See [Setting Environment](Setting Environment) for more information.
- '-v': Get version information