Commands - ManageIQ/optimist GitHub Wiki
For larger tool-sets it may be preferable to use commands in a manner similar to git
e.g: git --global-option command --command-option1 --command-option2
To do this with Optimist, we can use the stop_on
or stop_on_unknown
feature to get the global-option and command in one pass. A second pass of Optimist is used to get the command-specific options.
I cannot find much of a difference between stop_on
and stop_on_unknown
, as they both seem to stop on unknown words.
require 'optimist'
class GitStyle
'clone' => 'Clone a repository into a new directory',
'init' => 'Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one',
def initialize
@subopts, @command = nil, nil
@mainopts = Optimist::options do
version 'gitstyle.rb v0.0.1'
banner "Usage:"
banner " gitstyle.rb [options] [<command> [suboptions]]\n \n"
banner "Options:"
opt :version, "Print version and exit" ## add this here or it goes to bottom of help
opt :help, "Show help message" ## add this here or it goes to bottom of help
opt :no_pager, "Disable paging"
stop_on COMMAND_MAP.keys
banner "\nCommands:"
COMMAND_MAP.each { |cmd, desc| banner format(" %-10s %s", cmd, desc) }
return if ARGV.empty?
@command = ARGV.shift
Optimist.die "unknown subcommand #{@command.inspect}" unless COMMAND_MAP.key? @command
self.send("opt_#{@command}") ## dispatch to command handling method
def opt_clone
cmd = @command
@subopts = Optimist::options do
banner "options for #{cmd}"
opt :depth, "depth", :type => :integer
opt :bare, "bare mode"
opt :mirror, "mirror something"
def opt_init
cmd = @command
@subopts = Optimist::options do
banner "options for #{cmd}"
opt :quiet, "be quiet"
attr_reader :mainopts, :command, :subopts
optdb =
p [:mainopts, optdb.mainopts]
p [:command, optdb.command]
p [:subopts, optdb.subopts]
$ ./gitstyle.rb
[:mainopts, {:version=>false, :help=>false, :no_pager=>false}]
[:command, nil]
[:subopts, nil]
$ ./gitstyle.rb clone --depth 5
[:mainopts, {:version=>false, :help=>false, :no_pager=>false}]
[:command, "clone"]
[:subopts, {:depth=>5, :bare=>false, :mirror=>false, :help=>false, :depth_given=>true}]
$ ./gitstyle.rb init
[:mainopts, {:version=>false, :help=>false, :no_pager=>false}]
[:command, "init"]
[:subopts, {:quiet=>false, :help=>false}]
Top-level help message for the tool
$ ./gitstyle.rb -h
git [options] [<command> [suboptions]]
-v, --version Print version and exit
-h, --help Show help message
-n, --no-pager Disable paging
clone Clone a repository into a new directory
init Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one
Help message for a command
$ ./gitstyle.rb init -h
options for init
-q, --quiet be quiet
-h, --help Show this message