ADD for Chillapp - Mamadoukaba/Project GitHub Wiki
Making many different choices for where friends can hangout.
The experience should be really simple and direct because it has a single straight forward task.
External Services
Foursquare API Facebook Login
- The first screen will be for looking up your friends based on Facebook
- After clicking a friend/multiple friends name, the second screen will ask you to describe using one word what you and your friends want to do.
- After stating that, the third screen will generate different places with pictures using the Foursquare API so you can choose.
- After clicking/choosing which place you prefer, the fourth screen will be the information about that place that we generated from the Foursquare API.
View/View Controllers/Classes
Four view controllers for each of the screen that I stated above which are:
The Friend Search Screen/ View Controller
The Activity Description Screen/View Controller
The Places List Screen/ View Controller
The Details of a place Screen/ View Controller
Data Models
Foursquare Data
Facebook Data
MVP Milestone
Week 1 - Setting up Facebook API for friend generating.
Week 2 - Setting up Foursquare API for Place and location generating.
Week 3 - Writing codes for IB elements and other technical Xcode elements
Week 4 - Designing of the app
Week 5 - Polish
Week 6 - Shipping