ADD for Chillapp - Mamadoukaba/Project GitHub Wiki


Making many different choices for where friends can hangout.




The experience should be really simple and direct because it has a single straight forward task.


External Services

Foursquare API Facebook Login


  1. The first screen will be for looking up your friends based on Facebook
  2. After clicking a friend/multiple friends name, the second screen will ask you to describe using one word what you and your friends want to do.
  3. After stating that, the third screen will generate different places with pictures using the Foursquare API so you can choose.
  4. After clicking/choosing which place you prefer, the fourth screen will be the information about that place that we generated from the Foursquare API.

View/View Controllers/Classes

Four view controllers for each of the screen that I stated above which are:

The Friend Search Screen/ View Controller

The Activity Description Screen/View Controller

The Places List Screen/ View Controller

The Details of a place Screen/ View Controller

Data Models




Foursquare Data

Facebook Data

MVP Milestone

Week 1 - Setting up Facebook API for friend generating.

Week 2 - Setting up Foursquare API for Place and location generating.

Week 3 - Writing codes for IB elements and other technical Xcode elements

Week 4 - Designing of the app

Week 5 - Polish

Week 6 - Shipping