Work Breakdown - Malopla/SDD-Project GitHub Wiki

Blue Spore Productions Work Breakdown Structure

The deliverables listed are in addition to the deliverables specified in our schedule for each of our iterations. These deliverables are reflected in the work breakdown of the individual site components.

Online Office Hours System and Infrastructure Acquire server Install MySQL on server Install PHP on server Install apache on server Homepage CSS Design Logo Text Images Hyperlinks Registration and Login (Use Cases LG1, RG1) Front end CSS Design Login fields HTML form Text Layout (HTML) Registration fields HTML form Text Layout (HTML) Back end PHP Code Check username and password against database of existing users MySQL database connection Get functions for database Create new entries in user database MySQL database connection Get and Set functions for database Add user information to database Profile Pages (Use Cases DA1, EP3, EP4, EP5, EP6, EP7) Front end CSS Design List courses and subjects Text Layout (HTML) List personal information Text Layout (HTML) Implement editing personal information Text HTML Form/Text box List contact information Text Layout (HTML) Implement editing for contact information Text HTML Form/Text box Implement editing for asking price Text HTML Form/Text box Implement account deletion Text HTML Button Back end PHP Code Read from and write to user information in database for editing and displaying information MySQL database connection Get and Set functions for database Get/set profile information Get/set contact information Get/set asking price information Verify current user is/is not the owner of the profile Read from database Compare current user session against the profile page’s user Classes and Subjects (Use Cases EP1, EP2) Front end Implement editing (adding/removing) subjects Define list of available subjects Text HTML/CSS drop down Back end PHP Code Read from and write to user information in database for editing and displaying information Get/set subject information Modify subject information Matching (Use Cases MT1, MT2, RT1, RT2) Front end CSS Design Find tutor/students button for each subject Text HTML button Display sorted results Text HTML list Define categories to sort by Text Sort results by different criteria HTML button for each category Back end PHP Code Implement matching algorithm Define algorithm to use Define categories to match against Define MySQL table fields to use MySQL database connection Get and Set functions for database - read user information (cost, availability) Messaging (Use Case MU1) Front end Text editor/input box Text HTML Form/Text box Recipient box

Send button HTML Submit button User inbox Text HTML List Back end PHP Code Separate table to store messages Get and Set functions for message table MySQL database connection Get and Set functions for database - read and write messages to message table Rating and Feedback (Use Case RU1) Define rating system 5 star system or some other metric Front end Display rating on user profiles Text HTML Formatting/interpretation of stored rating Back end PHP Code MySQL database connection Get and Set functions for database - read and write ratings to users table Automate rating email some specified time after a scheduled meeting Read meeting time from database Send email

Testing Performance testing Verify server can handle required amount of users Verify server response times are within requirements Account creation testing Successfully create an account Verify duplicates not allowed Verify accepted passwords are valid Profile editing testing Verify bio changes display correctly Verify contact information changes display correctly Verify subject changes display correctly Added subject displays in list Removed subject does not display in list Matching testing Verify matched results correctly match on price Verify matched results correctly match on availability Verify sorting results sorts correctly Messaging testing Verify messages can only be sent to users that exist Verify messages are stored Verify messages are displayed to the recipient Rating testing Verify rating email is sent at a specified time after a meeting Verify new rating is incorporated into average rating Verify new average rating is displayed Elaboration Deliverables Domain Model Diagram Diagram Brainstorming Diagram Draft Diagram Finalization Supplemental Specification List requirements Number Requirements Prioritize Requirements Format Requirement list for readability Deployment Diagram Draft UML Deployment Diagram Finalize UML Deployment Diagram Use Cases List use cases Select 80% to elaborate on Elaborate upon the use cases (Draft) Review, Edit, and Finalize Use Cases Work Breakdown Structure List all tasks that group must accomplish (Draft) Organize & Format for readability Edit & Finalize. Updated Project Schedule Create tasks list Schedule using Work Breakdown Schedule Add due dates to tasks Sort tasks into their iterations Product Stakeholder Product Review #1 Deliverables Iterative Release Complete 100% of functionality promised for this iteration Submit design approach & design patterns used Design Approach Decide on design patterns, algorithm Document decisions Sequence Diagrams Choose 2 use cases for sequence diagrams Draw rough draft of diagrams Finalize Diagrams Static Class Diagram Draft UML Diagram for implementation Finalize UML Diagram Product Stakeholder Product Review #2 Deliverables Beta Release 80% of “must have” requirements completed Evidence of testing completed Demo setup Code Review Package code to be submitted to another team Write summary of code written. Write summary of code reviewed. Testing Documents Introduction Goals of the testing List of resources used Testing Schedule Step-by-Step instruction set for testers Template for test results recording Project Transition Deliverables Final Release Final Version of the software Finalize server configurations Planned release demonstration Final Test Results Complete testing Results of testing documented Statement of the readiness of the software Meetings Every Wednesday and Saturday at 1pm lasting at least 1 hour each. Peer Reviews Evaluate on previously agreed upon review peer review metrics Submit review of each member of the team Best Practices Documentation of Best Practices being utilized