Project Charter - Malopla/SDD-Project GitHub Wiki
Online Office Hours is a specialized tutor matching site that takes students and attempts to match them with a tutor based on some specified criteria. Many products serve this goal in some capacity already. Professional tutoring services such as Sylvan Learning and match students with professional tutors, but they all charge a very steep fee for their services. On the opposite side of the spectrum, open forum board and question and answer sites such as StackOverflow and Physics Forum are completely free, but whether or not you actually receive help is based on the whims of the community, and it could take days for your question to be answered. In addition, many of the forum boards are subject specific, for example StackOverflow is focused on computer science, while Physics Forum is focused on Physics. Online Office Hours hopes to bridge the gap between these two extremes by offering a free service that matches tutors and students on an instantaneous basis across multiple subjects while also matching students and tutors based on mutually preferred times. At the same time, tutors who are offering this services for pay can also use the site, so anyone signing up to the site will optionally be able to list their services for a fee or say that they’re willing to pay. We hope to provide an informal setting where any student and tutor is welcome to look for help or to offer their services, encompassing all subjects and price ranges.