SassDoc Documentation - MakingSense/MSUXF GitHub Wiki
SassDoc Documentation
We use SassDoc to generate our pretty documentation. This is a documentation system to build docs parsing our code to grab specific comments and writing a styled HTML document with all our Variables, Mixins and Functions detailed.
To run and watch SassDoc Documentation
gulp doc:watch
Basic Annotations
SassDoc doesn't supports C-style or block comments, only inline comments. So if you want to make something visible in the documentation, you have to use ///.
This is a simple variable example:
///This is my var
$primary-color: #333;
/// This is a description
/// You can use several lines
Group Defines to which group (if any) the documented item belongs
/// @group buttons
Author Describes the author of the documented item
/// @author Some Guy
Example Describes a use case for the documented item
/// @example
/// 4 + 2 = 8
/// 4 / 2 = 2
File-level Annotations
It is useful when you have a whole file sharing some annotations (for instance @group, @author and so on).
Usually, the poster comment goes on top of the file. In order to be parsed as a poster, it has to be prefixed by //// and finish the same way.
/// Accordions
/// @group Component - Accordions
/// @author MS
For deeper SassDoc Documentation go here