0.4 Total number of coins in existence - Makh1/italcoin GitHub Wiki
The total number of ITAL coins that will come into existence is 22+ times the total number of bitcoins that will come into existence, 444 millions compared to 21 millions.
The initial reward for each ITAL coin block is 40 ITAL coins.
The rate of ITAL coins generation is halved every 840,000 blocks.
Because ITAL coin blocks are generated 2.5 times faster than Bitcoin blocks, this means that the monetary inflation of ITAL coin follows the same trajectory as that of Bitcoin, so for example at the year 2022 around 1/2 of all ITAL coins will have already been generated.
Since the total money supply of ITAL coin is 22+ times greater than the total money supply of Bitcoin, it implies that if 1 ITAL coin becomes worth more than 0.05 bitcoins then the market cap (and hence purchasing power) of ITAL coin will be bigger than the market cap of Bitcoin, under the (probably incorrect) assumption that roughly the same fraction of ITAL coins and bitcoins were destroyed due to users losing their secret cryptographic keys.