19 03 2020 - MakeBmth/meetings GitHub Wiki
19th March 2020 - Virtual meeting
Attended by Brian, Chaz, Ed, Leon and Mark
Arts by the Sea festival
closing deadline for submissions 30th March
Web links
- Pixel map of busses in Bournemouth
- Pollution – how to link?
- Use pixels to create an abstract map:
Map source
- Pane of glass 4x4 LED panels = 32 x 32 pixels
- 1 fade candy could do 2 glass panels
- Bandstand has 18x9 panes - central panes with some on each side...
- Bus data timetable or live
- Leon's footfall data
- OpenCV LED Wall : Live gardens image analysis
Drawing machines update
- I have not done anything!
- Mark successfully completed a drawing
- Eventually we get to rebuild a ESP/ web interface
- Solenoid board – weeks
- Revert a servo mechanism thing
- Dbdring guy
Processing day
- Possibly postpone to September?
- Keep momentum, as if happening in May
LED audio updates
- Fadecandy server config (RBG vs BRG + LED order) : config guide
- Mark's massive grid (pixel ordering)
- Assumption of 'along, left to right' not zig zag. Inverted when facing the diffuser / housing.
- Use mapping to remap the pixels where fadecandy wants it
- A couple of ways to remap, some possibly more efficient than others
- Coding Challenge #28: Metaballs
- YouTube link
- Ed to try these out!
LEON: forest counting
- Leon to invite people to come discuss with us
Do virtual meetings work
- Is Teams the best environment?
- General consensus, was quite a successful meeting, so keep Teams as meeting platform:
- Git wiki for meeting notes
- Slack as ongoing general communication platform
- General consensus, was quite a successful meeting, so keep Teams as meeting platform:
Namecheap MakeBmth.com domain
- Renewed for another year
Charlie watch
- some rework to case
- reduce height at back and also lower dome