Setup - MakahikiKTUH/makahiki-ktuh GitHub Wiki
Let's get you all set: This page details how to download, build, and run the current version of the Makahiki-KTUH system.
First, you'll need Git, a free, open source version control system. It's what's used to download the game as well as to manage changes to the software. We recommend a basic level of understanding of Git; it really is an indispensable tool. If you've never used it, a great tutorial can be found at You can download Git with your preferred package manager, or from the official website:
You will also need accounts on Heroku and Amazon Web Services, the hosting services on which Makahiki is configured to run.
Once you have Git installed on your computer, clone Makahiki-KTUH to your machine by typing "git clone", into your preferred directory.
For installation instructions, we couldn't imagine a better guide than the official Heroku installation of Makahiki, posted on Makahiki's official documentation site.
To start up the server on Heroku, invoke:
`% heroku ps:restart --app makahiki-hpu`
Presto. You have now installed Makahiki KTUH on Heroku, wiki wiki.