Gameplay - MakahikiKTUH/makahiki-ktuh GitHub Wiki
Desirable but yet to be fully implemented are the following:
One of the mini-games is Projects, an app designed to let you to propose, vote on, and collaborate on the completion of projects that benefit either the station, the local community, or both. If a proposed project has an achievable, measurable goal and makes sense for the station or community, the game administrators can approve it—but only if the rest of the people in the game support it with their votes comments and upvotes. While the admins have to give final approval over what projects will or will not be approved, the participants have the strongest say in the matter.
The Project game will allows you to specify things like the number of team members to join, or budget (if necessary). You can also recommend specific sub-goals and deadlines. On reaching the goals, hours or points are given (the admins decide in advance how many) to reward your efforts. Project reports are also be rewarded, because having a written record allows other people to learn about the station, which is part of our community-outreach mission. We believe that making public posts and updates possible is necessary to promote the development and execution of projects for KTUH.
TweetMoar is a mini-game that gives the KTUH DJs a united voice and provides a sense of shared meaning and connectedness to the player.
This simple game will fit into a single webpage or Makahiki widgets. The mechanics work simply: Each volunteer gets a login ID, and is able to post “candidate tweets” to the group, who can vote for tweets of which they approve. If a candidate tweet wins enough votes (how many depends on the total number of players), it is tagged with the username, and the system posts it out via Twitter's API, a services that lets it talk to other websites.
A high score system could be introduced as well, along with a raffle or other prize system, if more incentive is needed. At the end of the Pledge-a-Thon, whoever has the highest score will win a special prize for their active role on Twitter, as well as the top spot on the leader board.
Coming up, another part of our early designs to be incorporated into the later system is a mini-game geared toward the listeners, called That's My DJ! It is designed help raise awareness about KTUH’s culture and mission. Our proposed reward system is similar to Kukui Cup’s Raffle Game, in which a player earns a certain amount of points to spend on tickets for raffle prizes. Those prizes could range from intangible things like playing a song request, or getting a dedication or shout-out broadcasted and/or tweeted, to tangible prizes, such as KTUH and other musical swag.
In the gameplay, the user mimics a certain scratch or sound with virtual turntables. When the scratch or sound is matched, the user selects a category, and a music- or station-related question appears for them to answer. To make the challenges interesting, the player receives points only when their answer is correct, and the questions become more difficult as game progresses. Visually, the game will consist of a set of two turntables and the game board, a Jeopardy-like grid of trivia questions.