Game Content - MakahikiKTUH/makahiki-ktuh GitHub Wiki

This page documents the content we have designed for Makahiki KTUH, including most (but not all) of the quests, game grid items, prizes and flash cards to be included in the final game.

Challenges and Quests

The Pledge-a-Thon includes a dozen fun quests that orient the player with the system as he or she participates in pledge drive.

  1. Post on the “floor wall”
  2. Join a project
  3. Log first hour of volunteer time
  4. Advertise for someone else
  5. Attend a meet-up, workshop or talk
  6. Study a flash card deck
  7. Create your first project
  8. Learn to TweetMoar: post your first tweet & upvote someone else's
  9. Pass a certification
  10. Create a show promo or PSA
  11. Cross-training: Play varied roles in different projects
  12. Lead a meet-up, workshop or talk


The game awards players with up to 18 badges. Those badges that do not have objective measures are to be awarded at the game masters' discretion:

  • For numbers of hours pledged: 10, 25, 50, 100
  • Fundraiser: First sponsorship gained
  • Scholar: All study packs studied
  • Professor: All certifications passed
  • Karaoke Star: DJ has sung a listener's request live on air
  • Fundraiser (amount raised/badge name): $25/bronze, $50/silver, $100/gold, $250/platinum, $500/adamantium, $1,000/unobtanium
  • Choremaster: Given to DJs who help with grunt work, cleaning, heavy lifting, the unglamorous things
  • Tweetmaster: Awarded to any DJ with fifty tweets posted through TweetMoar
  • Social Genius: Special recognition for the DJ's involvement in the social fabric of the station, either on- or offline. Number of upvotes, tweets made, are a good sign of the DJs social genius
  • Supervolunteer: Special recognition for the DJ's personal commitment to the advancement of KTUH's mission

Prizes and Awards

Prizes lens how a player sees the game. Therefore, prizes constitute a very important factor in the games that offer them. Makahiki KTUH's prizes come in three flavors: the raffle game, high score prizes, and special awards. The raffle game gives everyone a shot at winning, while the special award categories give the station the perfect excuse to throw a party (with an awards ceremony) when the game is over. Any prizes having cash value are to be chosen by the KTUH management and its governing organizations. As for the awards, we recommend following:

Special Awards

  • Most Valuable Player
  • Best Radio Show — as chosen by listeners
  • Best Radio Show — as chosen by staff
  • Most Improved Show
  • Most Hours Pledged
  • Most Funds Raised
  • Ms. Congeniality
  • Mr. Congeniality

Smart Grid Game Items

Explanatory links are included with each game item. Click them to learn more about the smart grid. In the manner of the original Kukui Cup, we set up a Google Page to host information about the Smart Grid Game items. This program uses plenty of the original KC smart grid actions, and where an action here is left unchanged from its original version, we link directly to the Kukui Cup's page. The Kukui Cup devs recommend 20-30 actions per week, but our timeframes are different: possibly a semester-long game, just for the volunteer DJs, or a two- or three-week game if it is to include listener/donors and serve as a fundraiser.


Help Build the Mailing List Like KTUH on Facebook Socialize Socialize 2 Take Survey Report on a community event


I will make a (good) post to the radio blog every day I will turn off the lights when leaving any room


Design a KTUH 2014 T-shirt Do something creative we haven't thought of for KTUH Interview Make a photo blog piece for the radioblog 2 Make Art


Game: Tune In Movie Night Party: Grand Prize Winners Party: Kick Off Workshop: Design a KTUH Flashmob Workshop: Energy Efficient Chillaxation


Dormitory Promo Trip


Audio Quality Standards Introduction to the KTUH Pledge-a-Thon On-Air Best Practices The Playlist App


Tune In

Flash Cards

Our selective repetition system includes four decks, each of which contains question-and-answer cards specific to a particular role in the station. We've come up with 12 questions for each, but there are many more that ought be added, pending review by the KTUH directors.

Programming Director

Q: In what year was KTUH founded? *A: 1969

Q: What organization distributes student fees to broadcast-related student programs? A: The Broadcast Communication Authority (BCA)

Q: Who is the sole representative of KTUH to the BCA? A: The General Manager

Q: Who is allowed to use KTUH equipment, and who is not? A: KTUH and UHP staff are permitted to use the KTUH equipment and facilities--and nobody else.

Q: What's KTUH's definition of "semester"? That is, when does a semester begin and end? A: A semester begins on the first day of instruction (Fall and Spring) and ends the day before the first day of instruction for the following semester.

Q: How is a KTUH DJ's "active status" retained? A: By 1) Completing a minimum of one approved production assignment every other month. 2) Completing one approved KTUH job every other month 3) Maintaining student status.

Q: What's the maximum number of community volunteers, alumni volunteers and faculty members? A: Fourteen (14) each.

Q: Student DJs can continue their show for a semester after graduation on what condition? A: They have not used their grace period.

Q: How often, at minimum, does a DJs show need an on-air quality check? A: Yearly.

Q: What punitive actions does a first offense result in? A: Verbal & written warning and a two-week suspension. (Delinquent tasks or production assignments must be completed within two weeks of write up.)

Q What's our policy regarding DJs plugging their own events or gigs? A: Any DJ caught airing plugola will be suspended and possibly terminated from the station.

Q: Expressed opinions, statements or editorial monologues of a political or personal nature, must be accompanied by what? A: An “opinions disclaimer" before, after, and throughout the editorial, to the effect of: “THE VIEWS AND OPINIONS EXPRESSED ARE NOT NECESSARILY THOSE OF KTUH STAFF, MANAGEMENT, OR LICENSEES.”

Radio Producer

Q: All active KTUH staff must produce at least one PSA every how often? A: Every other month.

Q: Required production plays what important role in the station?
A: In keeping the sound of KTUH from getting stale. (Also acceptable: to keep DJs trained in the use of the Production Room.)

Q: How many production assignments must DJs complete per month? A: Just one.

Q: How are levels of the productions kept consistent with so many people doing productions? A: All productions must be normalized to -12dB.

Q: What's the maximum time a PSA, promo or calendar spot should run? A: 30 seconds

Q: Where should productions be put for the Production Director's review? A: In the "Completed" folder on the desktop of the prod. room computer.

Q: Where are production assignments kept? A: The folder is on the gear rack in the prod. room.

Q: What's the term for music that accompanies a spoken-word production or on-air DJ A: A bed.

Q: How many guests are allowed in the station? A: Just two, unless you have approval in advance.

Q: Who can approve having more than two guests in the station? A: The General Manager or Program Director.

Q: What's the best way to talk about your booked guests' events and appearances? A: Have the DJ handle all mentions of the event and event details.

Q: Any DJ who wishes to promote an event or host an artist on their show that benefits him/her must do what? A: Notify the GM and PD at least 24 hours in advance and must inform listeners that the DJ will beenfit.

On-Air DJ

Q: What's the minimum legal ID? A: "KTUH Honolulu"

Q: Why is it a very bad idea to back announce, ie. review what music you played? A: Because you are certain to lose listeners who are just tuning in. Radio is always going forward; listeners are flipping channels all the time, and they don't care about what they haven't heard.

Q: What should you do instead of back announcing? A: Tell the listener what's coming up next and later in the show.

Q: Within what times do you have to give a legal ID? A: Between two minutes before or after the hour, no exceptions.

Q: In case of a no-show, in what order should you phone people to find someone to come in and take over on air? A: In order: The (no-show) next DJ, the genre director, the Program Director, the General Manager.

Q: What's the UH security phone number? A: 956-6911, or just 66911 from UH system phones.

Q: What should you do if something breaks? A: Email "[email protected]" and log it in the DJ notes. If the problem is sever, call the GM.

Q: What's the web address of KTUH's playlist logging system? A:

Q: What clock is used to time everything, including the legal IDs? A: The one on the board (the air-room mixing console).

Q: If you have grievances, who should you take it up with first? A: With the person(s) involved, privately. The genre director(s), etc.

Q: What's the proximity effect? A: Bass is amplified when the sound source is very close to the mic.

Q: When do you need to show up for your show? A: 15 minutes before it begins.

Radio Engineer

Q: What is the broadcasting power of KTUH's current tower, and on what building is it installed? A: 3000 watts, at Saunders Hall

Q: What device levels out the signal for the transmitter, when it's too loud? A: The compressor (or limiter).

Q: How can the VU meters for a channel on the board be checked, without putting the audio on air? A: Assign the channel to AUX, remove it from PGM, switch it on, pot it up, and voilà.

Q: What must be done before powering down the station? A: The DJ has to announce over the air that the station is powering down.

Q: What's it called when digital audio is in the red? A: Clipping.

Q: What kind of audio connections do turntables and CD players use? A: RCA

Q: What's the minimum MP3 bit-rate that DJs can get away with using? A: 320 Kbps or maximum VBR (V0)

Q: Why is streaming off of YouTube an absolutely terrible idea? A: Because the audio quality is totally unpredictable.

Q: When the left and right channels out of a Mac laptop are imbalanced, what built-in program can be used to correct the problem? A: Audio MIDI Setup

Q: What is the procedure for fixing a bad connection between the turntable cartridge and tonearm? A: Remove the cartridge and use rubbing alcohol and q-tips to clean the connector. Or use a pencil eraser & blow out the rubbings, in a pinch. Then reconnect the cartridge firmly, and you should be fine.

Q: Why do we never stream audio from the web for FM broadcasting? A: Because the web connection and streaming service is unreliable, and our listeners should be able to trust us that the audio we play won't stop in the middle of the piece.

Q: OK, so you have to use Facebook on a computer that's playing audio on air. How do you prevent the pip and pop sounds it annoyingly makes from going out over the air? A: In the chat sidebar, click the gear icon and uncheck "Chat Sounds." In account settings, under "Notifications > On Facebook," uncheck "Play a sound when each new notification is received."