FAQ - MakahikiKTUH/makahiki-ktuh GitHub Wiki
What's this all about, then?
Why can't we play it yet?
Why can't we play it yet?
We have to agree with the KTUH licensees and management on how to structure it, and on lots of other details, before we can go ahead and run the game.
The straight answer is, it doesn't have to. It could just be just for KTUH members as a fun way to improve the station, cross-train, organize projects democratically, have lots of parties and lavish the many winners with fabulous prizes.
It's a different game for the listeners, and we will run the game at least once or twice before we consider adding them into the mix. When we do, our DJs will gather together a list of people to sponsor the DJs efforts in projects at the station and in the community. The listeners will also be able to fund projects directly, not tied to the efforts of any particular DJ.
If you're asking donors both for their credit card numbers and to play a game, you're asking twice as much as the usual fundraiser. Is that too much?It's a different game for the listeners, and we will run the game at least once or twice before we consider adding them into the mix. When we do, our DJs will gather together a list of people to sponsor the DJs efforts in projects at the station and in the community. The listeners will also be able to fund projects directly, not tied to the efforts of any particular DJ.
For some people, it probably is. But we hope that other people will want to play along with the DJs, vote on projects to take up, and watch the development of the projects they underwrite and the DJs they sponsor.
Can you break this down into a 25-word pitch for your listeners?With your Pledge-a-Thon sponsorship, you effect positive change in the community as well as support KTUH, and have a lot of fun along the way.
The promotions department is getting requests for KTUH's support all the time. If you're busy with other projects, how can you tell the companies that want our support that you're too busy to work with them?Well, we're not that busy with our DJs at all these other events to support. When the Pledge-a-Thon happens, we go into overdrive and can be out there every day. More importantly: lots of people want our time and promotional support, but are they willing to sponsor us? If we are going to give our efforts to other organizations, it is worth to them and they ought to be glad to show us some consideration.
How would you decide what projects to work on?Democratically, the process involves voting both from the DJs as well as donors. We could monetize the process, though, and perhaps we should.
Part of KTUH's stated mission is to serve the community. Thus, while some projects may not be exclusively dedicated to fundraising, we hope that the goodwill generated will bring in plenty of funds for the station.
I have better ideas. Wanna hear them?Yes, please! Write to [email protected].