Required - MajAhd/elx_validation GitHub Wiki


  • The field under validation must be present in the input data and not empty. A field is considered "empty" if one of the following conditions are true:
    • The value is null.
    • The value is an empty string.
data = %{
   first_name: "Majid"
rules = [
      field: "first_name",
      validate: ["required"]

rules defined by "name" but data defined by "first name"

it returns error: "The name is not exist"

data = %{
    name: ""
rules = [
      field: "name",
      validate: ["required"]

rules defined "required" so null , empty string not excepted

it returns error: "The name field is required."

Required If

 - required_if:anotherfield
   - The field under validation must be present and not empty if the anotherfield field is exist and equal to any value.
data = %{
  first_name: "Majid",
  last_name: "Ahmadi" ---> if first_name exist and has value last_name field is required
rules = [
      field: "first_name",
      validate: ["nullable", "string" , "max:50"]
      field: "last_name",
      validate: ["required_if:first_name"]

Required Unless

  • required_unless:anotherfield
    • The field under validation must be present and not empty unless the anotherfield is Not Exist or be null or empty or "" value.
data = %{
  email: "[email protected]",
  phone: "+123456789" ---> if email not exist or has null or "" value the phone field is required
rules = [
      field: "email",
      validate: ["nullable" , "email"]
      field: "phone",
      validate: ["required_unless:email"]

Required with

  • required_with:foo,bar,...
    • The field under validation must be present and not empty only if any of the other specified fields are present and not empty.
data = %{
     first_name: "John",
     last_name: "doe", --> required if first_name defined and has any value
     full_name: "John Doe" -->required if first_name,last_name is exist or not empty
rules = [
      field: "first_name",
      validate: ["required"]
      field: "last_name",
      validate: ["required_if:first_name"]
      field: "full_name",
      validate: ["required_with:first_name,last_name"]

Required Without

  • required_without:foo,bar,...
    • The field under validation must be present and not empty only when any of the other specified fields are empty or not present.
data = %{
     first_name: "",
     last_name: "", 
     full_name: "John Doe" -->required if first_name,last_name is/are not exist or empty

rules = [
      field: "first_name",
      validate: ["nullable" , "alpha"]
      field: "last_name",
      validate: ["nullable" , "alpha"]
      field: "full_name",
      validate: ["required_with:first_name,last_name"]


if you use required if , unless ,with and without validator validates all rules that you set

    data = %{
      first_name: "John",
      last_name: "doe" --> alpha , min and max will validate

    rules = [
        field: "first_name",
        validate: ["nullable", "alpha", "min:3", "max:10"]
        field: "last_name",
        validate: ["required_if:first_name" , "alpha", "min:3", "max:10"]

the logic is :

if first_name has value then last_name is required

if first_name hasn't value then last_name is not required

in case first_name does not exist or null last_name is not necessary but alpha and min and max validations still works.