Prerequisites - Mahzarasua/conference-demo-graphql GitHub Wiki
Follow this guide to install a Postgre DB:
Create Docker container with Postgres database:
docker create --name postgres-demo -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=Welcome -p 5432:5432 postgres:11.5-alpine Start container:
docker start postgres-demo Stop container:
docker stop postgres-demo Connection Info:
JDBC URL: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/conference_app
Username: postgres
Password: Welcome
Note: This stores the data inside the container - when you delete the container, the data is deleted as well.
Connect to PSQL prompt from docker: docker exec -it postgres-demo psql -U postgres
Application Database Setup
Create the Database:
psql> create database conference_app;
Setup the Tables:
psql -d conference_app -f create_tables.sql
Install the Data:
psql -d conference_app -f insert_data.sql
Note: The if you are using Docker, the last two steps can be done like so:
Setup the Tables:
docker cp create_tables.sql postgres-demo:/create_tables.sql
docker exec -it postgres-demo psql -d conference_app -f create_tables.sql -U postgres
Install the Data:
docker cp insert_data.sql postgres-demo:/insert_data.sql
docker exec -it postgres-demo psql -d conference_app -f insert_data.sql -U postgres