01 Download and install GH_CPython - MahmoudAbdelRahman/GH_CPython GitHub Wiki

1- Download and install GH_CPython

  1. You can download GH_CPython either from GitHub or Food4Rhino, download GH_CPython.zip file, then unzip it, and copy its contents which are: GH_CPython.gha and FastColoredTextBox.dll into grasshopper libraries' folder, usually this folder exists at the following location:


  1. Open Rhino as administrator.
  2. Once you run grasshopper, you will notice a new dialogue box 'locatePython' asking you to specify your preferred Python interpreter as follows:


In my case, it has a default value of C:\Python27\Python.exe and I'm OK with that.

  1. Congratulations! , now you have successfully installed GH_CPython. Now, where can you find this component?
  • You will find this component at Maths>Scripts>GH_CPython
  • Or, you can double click on the Grasshopper canvas, and type gh_cp.. it will appear.
