B. Blocks & Templates - MagnusThor/BobTheBinder GitHub Wiki

##Block and templates

Blocks and templates gives you the chance to separate pieces of you applications into reusable block and/or templates. The templates of your includes your the HTML markup and DOM Associations.


Template/Block 1 (tmpl1.html)

<h1 data-bind="text:echo"></h1>
   <ul data-repeat="list.take()">
    <li data-bind="text:text"></li>

Template/Block 2 (tmpl2.html)

   <input data-bind="value:kind"/>
   <button data-bind="click:add"> Add</button>

Both template above is fetch and append into the "parent page/app" as follows

 <div id="app">
        <div data-template="tmpl/tmpl1.html" data-use="vm">
        <hr />
        <div data-template="tmpl/tmpl2.html" data-use="vm">

Currently the_ data-use_ attribute has no meaning, but when time comes you will be able to specify, pass a certain part of your model. As for now , it just uses the model bind in the "parent page/app"

Javascript code for this example

  var vm = {
            echo: "Hello World!",
            kind: "",
            list: [{ text: "Coffe" }, { text: "Beer" }],
            add: function (evt) {
                var kind =
                { text: this.kind };
            function (evt) {
                Bob.apply().bind("#app", vm);

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