8. Notifiers - MagnusThor/BobTheBinder GitHub Wiki
##Bob notifiers
The main purpose of the notifiers is to primary simply data-synchronization in MVVM scenarios. The notifiers keep track of model mutations, gathers and assembles messages that can be transported using any kind of transportation-protocol.
When it comes to transportation protocols we strongly recommend you to use the WebSockets API. BobTheBinder includes a predefined, but customization message-format designed to primary be used with real-time communications platforms such as XSockets.NET, Socket.IO or SignalR. Or recommendation is for .NET & Mono developers to aim at XSockets.NET as you will benefit strong from that platform.
##How does it work?
Notifiers is attached to any object on you view model by calling .on(object,string)
, each notifier will fire an event depending on what type of change (mutation) that occurs on object
The example below attaches notifier for the item
which is a object when one the properties of item mutates the notifier will fire the updated event
( see events below ).
ViewModel (model )
var ViewModel = (function() {
var ctor = function (name,age) {
this.item = {
name: name || "Robin Hood",
age: age || 40
return ctor;
**Notifier ***
oldValue) {
##Attach an notifier to a object
###Types of mutation captured (typeOfMutation)
When an object mutates the notifier will flag each mutation as follow.
- update
- add ( Applies to collection/arrays)
- delete ( Applies to collection/arrays)
###.on(object:objectToMonitor,string:name,function:fn) : Bob.notifier
To subscribe to any mutation (add, delete, update )
bob.on(item,"item", function () {
console.log("object has mutated");
Where _bob _is an instance of Bob
the fn has the following signature/arguments for updates
function (mutatedObject,propertyModified,typeOfMutation,oldValue)
the fn has the following signature/arguments
function (object, index, typeOfMutation)
.update(function:fn) : Bob.notifier
To subscribe to update mutations.
function (mutatedObject,propertyModified,
typeOfMutation,oldValue) {
console.log("Just interested on the updated mutationType");
.delete(function:fn): Bob.notifier
To subscribe to delete mutations.
function (mutatedObject,index
typeOfMutation) {
console.log("deleted an element from item.myArray");
.add(function:fn) : Bob.notifier
To subscribe to add mutations.
function (mutatedObject,index,
typeOfMutation) {
console.log("added an element to item.myArray");