5. Custom binders - MagnusThor/BobTheBinder GitHub Wiki

Custom binders can easily be added/removed by calling the register or unregister methods on Bob.binders object as show below.

##How to register or unregister a custom binder

###register binder


###unregister binder


Where your binder function (fn) has the following signature.

function(node, onchange, onadd,onremove)

##Custom binder stub

    Bob.binders.registerBinder("customBinder", function (node,
                        onremove) {

            var previousListener;

            // node is the DOM node associated

            return {
                updateProperty: function (value) {

                    var listener = function(evt) {
                        // call onchage(value) for instance

                    if (previousListener) {
                        node.removeEventListener("click", listener);

                    node.addEventListener("click", listener);

                    previousListener = listener;


updateProperty function

You binder must return a updateProperty, a function that will be invoked when the model mutates.

 return {
        updateProperty: function(value,parent) {

The value argument contains the value of the property specified in the DOM association , in ex. if you have the following model

  var ViewModel = (function () {
        var ctor = function (name) {
            this.name =  name || "robin hood";
        return ctor;

with the following DOM association

  <input type="text" data-bind="valueUpperCase:name" />

The value argument will contain 'robin hood' when the model mutates ( the property is modified ), the parent in this case will be the model it self , as the we associate the name property using valueUpperCase:name

The binders updateProperty is invoked by Bob him self. When it comes to scenarios where you from the UI want to pass changes to the model you need to use the call the onchange method. For binders that are deals with collection/arrays use the onadd,onremove functions.

A quick example

This custom binder ensures that the value entered / modified becomes upperCase ( i.e robin hood -> ROBIN HOOD)

   Bob.binders.registerBinder("valueUpperCase", function(node, 
      onchange, onadd, onremove) {
            node.addEventListener('keyup', function() {
            return {
                updateProperty: function (value) {
                    if (value !== node.value) {
                        node.value = value.toUpperCase();