SIF2: Events - MagiCircles/IdolStoryWiki GitHub Wiki



Information may change depending on what GL does! (Especially since there are only 3 months of game service!)

Each event features URs of a single group. The rotation of the groups at the time of writing is: µ's, Aqours, Nijigasaki, Liella! in this order, with Miracle Star Collection and the second event of the month on separate rotations. As such, this makes it possible to predict which group will be in the next event.

We will begin by introducing the event types in SIF2 as of the date of writing of this guide. The names of the event are subject to change depending on what it is called in the Global version.


  • GL Update: Seems that the first event will run for 15 days!

Currently, the schedule in the JP version runs as such: From the last day of the month to the 10th of the next month, a “Miracle Star Collection” event runs. This event contains a voiced story content. From the 11th to the 14th, a “Free Tour” event runs. From the 15th to the 25th of the month, either a “Multi Live Show” or a “Star Challenge” event runs, with the events rotating each month. Then, from the 26th to the 29th or 30th depending on the month, another “Free Tour” event runs.

We will now take a closer look at each event type and how to play them.

Miracle Star Collection

About Miracle Star Collection:

Remember “Icon Collection Event” from SIF1? This event is basically the same! And strap yourself - if Global follows the same update pattern as JP, you will be playing nothing but this event for the first 3 months or so!

Play any songs to collect “Miracle Stars!” Collect Miracle Stars in order to access the event song. The Event Song costs 1000 Miracle Stars for a single play. Obtain event song from playing the Event Song. You may also obtain Event Points from other songs, but they will be worth less than playing the event song.

Obtaining Miracle Stars:

Playing a song will give you “Miracle Stars”. However, there is a catch - In SIF2, the higher you score, the more miracle stars you obtain. This is the same for event points - event points scale according to your final score!

Daily login bonus: By accessing the event page from the second day of the event, you gain a base of 300 Miracle Stars every day as a login bonus. This number can be boosted if you owe any of the current event cards, as well as any event cards from last month’s Miracle Star Collection.

Featured UR Benefits: image

If you own the featured UR, you gain the following benefits: A bonus 10%/20% gain in Miracle Stars and event points when played with the UR in your team, depending on if the idol is idolized. An additional 250/500 Miracle Stars obtained from the daily login bonus, depending on if the idol is idolized. Owning any of the three featured UR from the event in the first half of the previous month contributes to your Miracle Star boost, too.

NEW: Oshi Rankings: Introduced in SIF2 are Oshi Rankings. At the start of the event when accessing the Event Page, you are invited to select any one of the Love Live girls to participate in the rankings. By ranking high in Oshi Rankings, you will gain additional rewards! This is a separate ranking from the main event point rankings as well as the score rankings, which works just as you would expect in SIF1.

Ranking Cut-off Point Details: NOTE: This information is based on the Japanese server. Global servers may have a narrower cut-off due to an anticipated lower player base. Event Point Ranking: T1T500: x3000 Loveca, x900 Penlights, etc. T501T1500: x2000 Loveca, x750 penlights, etc. T1501T3000: x1500 Loveca, x600 penlights, etc. T3001T5000: x1200 Loveca, x500 penlights, etc. Event Song High Score Ranking: T1~T10000 gets x300 Loveca, 150 Lesson Books(L), 1m Gold. Oshi Ranking: The top 100 of each Oshi Ranking will obtain the most rewards.

With how many players global has, it should be pretty easy to maintain your tiers!


The selected song is always from the current featured idol group, and will be the same attribute as the attributes of the featured URs. This makes it attractive to scout the URs to use on your team for a boost in score. As we will discuss in the Meta section, SIF2 has group bonuses. This means if a Nijigasaki Idol is in the team and a Nijigasaki song is played, that Idol gains a boost in tap score. If you happen to scout a gacha UR or get the event UR, it is generally worth using it in your team for the duration of the event for the 20% boost in score and Miracle Star gain. Skip Tickets: Use them wisely! It is common for many people to dump all of their Miracle Stars and skip tickets on the last day, which can lead to your rank dropping! It is suggested to save your skip tickets for the event song, so you can get the most EP per skip ticket.

What songs should I grind? Nico Puri: Widely considered as the most efficient scoring song, Nico Puri with over 1000 notes gives the most score per 10 LP. However, it is also notoriously difficult with fast swings and sync notes - You may score lower in Nico Puri if you cannot maintain a good combo. Grind whatever other songs you can score the highest in. Master songs with 800 or more notes are recommended! Songs with many hold notes are also better. Other suggested songs are: Bokutachi wa Hitotsu no Hikari, COLORFUL VOICE, Angelic Angel. Otherwise, please farm any songs you can play comfortably, to avoid burnout. The Meta Section below will discuss in greater detail why some songs are worth more score than others, despite having a similar number of notes.

Event Goals: Event goals are goals to be completed during the duration of the event. There are also daily goals that can be completed once every day. Daily goals: Get 10k EP for 30 Loveca. Clear 5x of the current event’s group songs to gain 60,000 Gold.


About Multi-Live:

Introduced as the second event type of the game is Multi-Live Match Event. If you played SIF1, this event is similar to the “Companion Match” event.

Team up with up to four players to combine your scores! The higher the room scores, the more event points the room gains. If you contribute more score for the room, you also receive more event points compared to the rest in the room.

When you visit the event page, you are invited to form a team specifically only for use in the Multi-Live Event. You cannot use a pre-formed team to play the Multi-Live

Featured UR Benefits: By placing the featured UR in your team, your final score at the end of playing a live increases by 10%/20% for each featured UR. This makes it easier to contribute the most score to the room and boost your event points. Login Bonus: By owning a featured UR, the number of candies you gain from the login bonus increases by 10/20 depending if the UR is idolized. Owning any of the three featured UR from the event in the second half of the previous month contributes to your candy boost, too.

Login Bonus Candy Meta: From the second day of the event, each day, you may obtain 3 temporary LP Candy (S). As you read above, simply owing the previous month’s event UR and the current event UR gives you an additional 20 candies per UR if idolized. This means you can get 43 candies (S) per month from event URs. These temporary candies expire at the end of the following month, hence making it attractive to rush for the event UR on the first day to obtain 43 candies (S) each day, up to 344 temporary candies. This is a lot of LP resources to allow you to prepare for the following month’s events.

Gameplay: After you have built your team and joined a room, you play a randomly selected song. The pool of songs always only contains songs of the same attribute and from the same group as the featured idols. Example: A featured Aqours event with three URs that are Pure attribute will see a pool of only Aqours Pure songs. Generally, you want to include a featured UR in your team as the 20% boost in score at the end of the live show is significant enough. Beware! If you disconnect during the live show, or even simply trying to swap apps on your device, the game kicks you out! Do this enough times - and you may be locked from playing a game - up to 24 hours!

Helper Mode In addition to a regular room, you may also participate in the “Helper” mode of the event. In the “helper” mode, you may be placed in a room with other players who are playing a lower difficulty of the song. In earlier instances of the event, this means that you are often forced to play a lower difficulty than what you select. If you select Master, the game will often throw you expert, or even hard and below. This made the mode widely unpopular as you would gain less event points playing a lower difficulty. In the latest update, you may now play the difficulty you chose. The game will match you in a room with others who may be playing a lower difficulty. However, the main rewards for playing Helper mode generally are not worth it, and you want to just stick to regular rooms to maximize event points.\

Event Goals More information about event goals here, require screenshots or links etc.

Star Challenge

About Star Challenge:

New to SIF2 is the Star Challenge! It runs exclusively in the second half of the month. Like Multi Live Show, it has no event stories.

Climb the ranks of the Star Levels by reaching a target score on a set of songs! Each star level has five songs that must be cleared before you may move on to the next level. Compete with other players by reaching the highest star level!

This event is broken. It gives a lot of rewards. Each star level may give you simple rewards such as memorial pieces, but it can also give millions of gold as well as Scout ten tickets. It is very possible to walk away with over 40 free pulls on the standard banner just from this event alone.

However, as you may be able to tell from the event description, it is also a very non-beginner friendly event. It is quite a demanding event in terms of your team compositions and having the gacha URs scouted.

Featured UR benefits:

When obtained, the featured UR gives an additional 1/2 extra Star Assist tickets in the Login Bonus depending on if it is idolized. The featured UR gives a 10%/20% boost to your final score when clearing a Star Challenge song. When a Star Assist ticket is used, that boost is doubled.

These terms may seem unfamiliar to you, so let’s go over the event mechanics.

Clearing Songs

Each song has a score requirement that must be reached in order to clear a song. The score requirement starts off low in Star Level 1, and scales accordingly to the number of notes in the song’s highest difficulty as well as the Star Level you are on. You may use a skip ticket to immediately clear a song if your recorded high score already exceeds the target score requirement. The first few Star Levels may be relatively easy to clear as long as you assemble an on-attribute team, but as you reach Star Levels 30 and above, you may no longer be able to clear the songs easily. To help you out, there are various bonuses you may gain from participating in the event. You may reroll a song every day once for free, and subsequently for 50,000 gold per roll.

Bonuses There are two types of bonuses: passive bonus as well as Star Assist Ticker bonuses. Passive Bonuses: There are two types of passive bonuses: Play Bonus and Cumulative Bonus. Play Bonus is a boost to your final score that increases slowly for every song you play during the event. Using skip tickets contributes to this bonus. Cumulative bonuses is a limit of 5 separate plays per day, where each clear of a song increases your bonus by 0.5%. In a day, you may get a total of 2.5% boost increase by playing 5 songs. Using 5 skip tickets at a time on a song only increases this boost once. You need to either play five separate songs or use a single skip ticket 5 times (NOT 5 at a time) to get the maximum bonus. Star Assist Tickets grants you additional bonuses depending on the progression of your account. The bonuses are: Member Training Bonus: This bonus is increased by training a certain number of members. It seems that leveling your units by a level gives an additional 0.02 ~ 0.03% bonus. Judgment enhancement: Always activated, it turns all taps from BAD to GREAT into PERFECT taps, effectively making all your taps a perfect tap. Skill activation rate is increased by 20%. Score bonus for the featured UR: The score boost a featured UR gives (10%/20%) is doubled. Infinite HP while playing.

Scoring, Choosing Songs As you can tell from the bonuses, owning a featured UR in this event is crucial in making your climb easier. Simply owning all three featured URs gives a base 60% increase to your final score and they do not even need to be in the team. Rerolling for other songs to play is crucial. More details are explained in the Meta section, but you want to reroll songs with a high number of hold notes. At later star levels, swing songs with little hold notes are often very difficult to clear. DO NOT DISMISS EXPERT ONLY SONGS! While them having less notes may be a problem, they also could have a higher percentage of hold notes. This means that an expert song with 400-500 notes but with a lot of hold notes may be much easier to clear! Wazzia is a very useful resource where you can input the cards you owe, and it will build the best team for you for each song. It also lets you check the song multiplier: songs with a high multiplier but lesser notes are often better songs to play. This is because the game assigns a target score purely based on the note count of the song, but does not take into account the value of each note! A 700 note non-swing Master song, for example, that has many hold notes, is often much easier to score in compared to a 800 note swing Master song with little hold notes. The meta, scoring section will go into more detail on why this is the case!

Event Points While climbing the Star Levels is the main goal of the event, there are also event rewards to be obtained. The Event UR requires 10,000 points while an exclusive chat stamp requires 25,000 points. Event points are difficult to obtain. A 10x play of a Master song only gives about 400-500 event points. In addition, the event points you gain are somewhat increased the higher your star level is. It is recommended to climb a few star levels first before farming for the Event UR. Having the Event UR helps with clearing the bulk of songs in the later star levels.

Ranking Your event rank isn't solely determined by your event points! Your Star Level is first considered, before your event points are. Example: A player with Star Level 30, but 500 event points, is ranked (much) higher than a player with Star Level 20, but 1500 event points.

Star Level Refresh On the next occasion the Star Challenge is run (2 months later), you begin the event at the Star Level that is 10 levels below what you stopped at. You begin the event at Star Level 25, if you last reached Level 35 on the previous run of the event. Additionally, you automatically gain all Star Level rewards up till the level you begin with. Aim to reach a high Star Level on each run of the event so that you can begin at a later level in the next Star Challenge!

Free Tour

About Free Tour:

Free Tour is often simply known as an “intermission” event. Play any random songs in free play while gaining event points. Obtain rewards from event points and from completing the event goals. Access the event page daily for a login bonus.

Advice You generally do not want to spend any candies on this. Simply use your natural LP to get the event rewards and complete the goals. There will be goals to complete during Free Tour. Specifically, there is a daily goal requirement of obtaining 8,000 event points. However, getting 8,000 event points each day is quite tight, requiring around 250 LP of Master songs where you can score at least 1.5 million. (Yes, event points still scale with the score you gain.) Should you decide to use skip tickets, make sure you use them on the song you have a good high score on. The resources you gain include memorial pieces, temporary candies and temporary skip tickets. Save the temporary items for the next event.

Line break to not delete what was here before.

Daily Event Goals

These event Goals reset daily at (midnight) 0:00 JST.

Reward Requirement
x25,000 Gold Earn 100 Event Points
x4 Lesson Notes (L) Earn 1000 Event Points
x3 Skill Book (M) Earn 5000 Event Points
x30 Love Gems Earn 10,000 Event Points
x10,000 Gold Clear「MIRACLE NEW STORY」x1 time
x20,000 Gold Clear「MIRACLE NEW STORY」x3 times
x30,000 Gold Clear「MIRACLE NEW STORY」x5 times

Event Duration Goals

Ends April 29th, 13:59 JST.

Reward Requirement
x20 Love Gems Clear a Live x10 times
x50,000 Gold Clear a Live x20 times
x30 Love Gems Clear a Live x30 times
x50,000 Gold Clear a Live x40 times
x36 Lesson Notes (L) Clear a Live x50 times
x75,000 Gold Clear a Live x60 times
x50 Love Gems Clear a Live x70 times
x75,000 Gold Clear a Live x80 times
x36 Lesson Notes (L) Clear a Live x90 times
x100,000 Gold Clear a Live x100 times
x100 Love Gems Clear a Live x125 times
x100,000 Gold Clear a Live x150 times
x21 Skill Book (M) Clear a Live x200 times
x100,000 Gold Clear a Live x250 times
x100 Love Gems Clear a Live x300 times
x100,000 Gold Clear a Live x350 times
x21 Skill Book (M) Clear a Live x400 times
x100,000 Gold Clear a Live x450 times
x100 Love Gems Clear a Live x500 times
x10 Love Gems Achieve a Full Combo for「MIRACLE NEW STORY」
x30 Love Gems Achieve a score of 50,000+ for「MIRACLE NEW STORY」on NORMAL difficulty or above
x30 Love Gems Achieve a score of 200,000+ for「MIRACLE NEW STORY」on HARD difficulty or above
x30 Love Gems Achieve a score of 300,000+ for「MIRACLE NEW STORY」on EXPERT difficulty

Daily Free Tour Event Goals

These event Goals reset daily at (midnight) 0:00 JST.

Reward Requirement
x25,000 Gold Earn 100 Event Points
x1 Temporary Skip Ticket Earn 4000 Event Points
x2 Temporary LP Candy (S) Earn 8000 Event Points

Free Tour Event Duration Goals

Ends May 14th, 13:59 JST.

Reward Requirement
x2 Temporary LP Candy (S) Achieve a Full Combo for a live on NORMAL difficulty or above
x3 Temporary LP Candy (S) Achieve x3 Full Combo for lives on NORMAL difficulty or above
x5 Temporary LP Candy (S) Achieve x5 Full Combo for lives on NORMAL difficulty or above
x2 Temporary Skip Ticket Clear a live with a score of 50,000+
x3 Temporary Skip Ticket Clear a live with a score of 100,000+
x5 Temporary Skip Ticket Clear a live with a score of 150,000+
x2 Temporary LP Candy (S) Play a live using the Random Song Selection button
x3 Temporary LP Candy (S) Play x5 lives using the Random Song Selection button
x5 Temporary LP Candy (S) Play x10 lives using the Random Song Selection button