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Episode 6: Selfish on the ICE!!

While Sayaka has found satisfaction in being a school idol, she has yet to address her figure skating problems. However, with a tournament coming this weekend…

Translation: Luna_LL | Proofreaders: Eagles & zura | YouTube Subs: Denzi | Site & YouTube Graphics: epipyon


Click the video to watch Episode 6 ~ Intermission with English subtitles!

I-It's been too long… Maaan, I feel like I've been at this for forever… I just can't win…

I just wanted to go fishing on one of my rare off days. I didn't think it'd take this long…

Can't read English, so I don't know where to go. Can't read English, so I don't know where to fish. Can't read English, so I can't look it up, 'cause I can't read English.

Living in California sucks… Oh, this has gotta be the right train station, yeah? Yeah?

It better be!!!

'Kay, so from here, I go… ugh, I have no idea!

No choice then… I'll just have to ask… Someone random from the crowd…

Hey there, 'scuse me! Help me out, would ya?

II… uh… fish!! I fish, yeah!!

Oh…! Go… straight…? That way? Over there!?

Yeah! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, sister–!

See you! Have a nice day!

Maaan… it's been a lil' over two years since I came here. Y'know, instead of struggling to speak English...

It's better to mix in some Japanese and have whoever I'm talking to think, "Whoa! She's a real weirdo!" That way, they can't ignore me!

That's just another one of Ruri's life hacks! Cogito, ergo Ruri!

Alright, let's get to that fishing spot! Time for "Ruri's Fun Solo Adventures in California"!

I'm boutta make a big splash!


Wait, that's one of those cards, right? I need one of those!? I just wanted to go fishing…

Oh! Maybe they're just worried I'll fish up something dangerous!?

I-I only fishing! No license!


No license, no fishing!? N-No way…

Ah… okay, okay, I see, I see… omigod…

I can't believe you need a license to go fishing… I didn't know… I just wanted to show Megu-chan a fish from here…

Something like tons of really sharp teeth… Or one of those fish that looks totally shook…

It's almost time for me to go back to Japan, huh… When I get back, I'm fishing up a whole lake, and no license is gonna stop me.

Oh, but the school I'll be going to is a boarding school, isn't it? Will they let me go fishing or to the batting center or to karaoke after school?

I've been so busy here, but I guess now's a good time to look up where I'm transferring to.

Boarding school… so I'll have to live in a dorm, huh… I don't wanna have to deal with cliquey drama though… People oughta live alone, y'know?

Besides, I'm not really a fan of just going along with the crowd…

It's not like I can't, but I wish I could live with no filter. It's just so stressful sometimes.

Everyone knows that being buddy-buddy's all just some big lie we tell ourselves.


Hasunosora… School Idol Club… Wait, that's Megu-chan's club!

Wait, Megu-chan said it was fun, but… the idea that everyone gets along and works hard is probably just what they say to get people to join…


Huh? Huh??? No shot…! What!?

This looks... like a lot of fun?

"Hey! Hey! When are you gonna come back, Megu-chan!?"

Man, I think I kinda get where Megu-chan was coming from.

Huh, school idols are actually pretty cool. This is weird… It almost feels like I might even have fun around that many people…

Now I'm kinda looking forward to going back to Japan!

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