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Card Details menu.

Top-Right Buttons


Unlocked once the second Idolization is completed. Repeats the short message that plays when you Idolize a second time.

Level Up and Idolize

This button will be "強化 (Level Up)" when the card's level is not at its maximum, you can use this section to raise the level of your cards using Style Pts. gained after completing Live Shows. Once the level reaches the maximum, then this button will become "特訓 (Idolize)," where you can use Medals gained from Daily Lives to Idolize your cards.

Idolizing a card will raise the level cap and reduce the AP cost of the Special Skill by 1, both up to two times. The first Idolization will change the card's art to the trained version.

To the left, the Level Up menu; to the right, the Idolization menu.

Limit Break

This button allows you to Limit Break a card using "解放Pt. (Limit Break Pts.)" gained by scouting duplicates of that card or by buying them in the Shop using "ペタルコイン (Petal Coins)." R cards require 25 Limit Break Pts. per Limit Break, SR cards require 50, and UR cards require 100.

Limit Breaking raises the level cap for the card's Special Skill and Active Skill by 1 (up to 4 times, Lv. 14). Limit Breaks also give score bonuses in Live Grand Prix when possible.

Limit Break menu for a SR card.

Basic Stats

These stats are all characteristics that directly affect your Live Show performance in their own way. While they all work differently, there is one thing they share; for the following three types of stats, the MAIN Style card will contribute 100%


Similar to SIF and SIF2 Attributes.

Cards have a Smile, Pure and Cool stat, which gets boosted by ×1.5 in songs with a matching Attribute (for example, a card with 6,000 base points in Smile, will effectively have 9,000 points in a Smile song instead). These parameters affect the amount of base LOVE you gain when you collect Hearts in Live Shows.


Similar to SIFAS's Stamina.

The more Mental your cards have, the longer it'll take for the Mental gauge to fully deplete. When playing a Live Show, the Mental stat is calculated using only the Mental stat of the Idols that sing in the selected song (e.g. a Mira-Cra Park! song will only use Rurino and Megumi cards' Mental stats).


Every card has a BP stat of 100. When playing a Live Show, the MAIN Style card will contribute it fully, while the SIDE Style cards will contribute 10 each, up to a total of 120 BP per Idol in a deck.

BP affects the amount at which Hearts are generated in a Live Show.

Card Type

Similar to SIFAS's Card Roles (e.g. Sk, Vo, Sp and Gd).

The Type of a card determines which materials are used for Idolization. It also gives an outline of which type of Skill a card has by looking at the Skill icon's color, as certain Types only have a certain type of Skills (although there's a few cards that don't follow this pattern).

Card Type Icons along their name in both Japanese and English. The translated name is colored to match the Daily Live that rewards the respective Medals to Idolize.

Preferred Mood

Also see: Live Show – Mood

The Mood at which a card is at its strongest. A card's Mood can be seen in the Card Details menu, or in the color of the AP cost in a card's miniature view.

Every Live Show will fluctuate between 3 Moods: Happy, Neutral and Moody. Whenever the current Mood of a Live Show matches the Mood of a card, it's Active Skills will have stronger effects.

Also, if the Mood of the Center Idol's MAIN Style card matches the current Mood of the Live Show, Beat Heart generation will be slightly buffed.


Also see: ??? – Skill Effects

Special Skill

Also known in-game as "Special Appeal." Which Special Skill is available in a Live Show depends on the Center Idol's MAIN Style card.

Special Skills work similarly to regular Active Skills, with their own unique effects and AP cost, with the difference that these Skills can be used at any time, but only ONCE.

Active Skill

The Skill that activates whenever you use a card inside of a Live Show. The card must be in your hand, and you must have the required AP accumulated to use a Skill.

Passive Skill

Somewhat similar to SIFAS's Live Show Abilities (a.k.a. LSA).

Passive Skills are effects that activate when the condition specified in the card's details is met. R rarity cards do not have Passive Skills.

Some of these conditions are, but not limited to:

  • When a card is drawn
  • When a card is used
  • When you are in a specific section of a song
  • When a card of a specific Idol is used

Skill Level Up

Here you can upgrade your card's Special and Active Skill by using materials acquired in Quest Live stages. Both Special and Active Skills use the same type and amount of materials per card, with the cost of materials going up depending on rarity.

Skill Level Up menu for a R card.


Song Mastery Bonus

Song Mastery Bonuses are acquired by playing in Learning Lives. Here you will be able to see the passive LOVE boost when playing Lives, and all the Bonus Skills that can activate in a Live Show when the Idol is the Center of the selected song.

Season Fan Lv. Bonus

Season Fan Lv. is gained in the same way as you gain regular Fan Lv., though mainly by watching With×MEETS.

Season Fan Lv. has a maximum of 10, and is reset after a Live Grand Prix season ends. Season Fan Lv. acts as a score multiplier in Live Grand Prix in songs where the Idol participates.

Limit Break Bonus

Similar to the Season Fan Lv. Bonus, the Limit Break Bonus acts as a score multiplier for Live Grand Prix in songs where the Idol participates.

This bonus is calculated using the total Limit Breaks of all the cards of that Idol in your deck.

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