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SIFAS [Live Show]

Here is a little guide how the Live part of SIFAS will work.

What must be remembered before you go ahead and play a live stage is that now it requires strategy and planning ahead, just like real time battles do!

Another thing that will be important to remember is that your stamina will deplete every time you tap a note, so even if you have perfect timing the stamina will still go down. Meaning that songs, especially high difficulty songs can not be cleared with a weak team. So focusing on strengthening and increasing your stamina is a good way of getting a strong team.

The secret to a successful Live is a well prepared team for each song you will be playing.

Watch Nacchan (Ai) play TOKIMEKI Runners

Watch Tanaka (Rina) play TOKIMEKI Runners

Watch Agupon (Ayumu) play TOKIMEKI Runners

~ Notes ~

There are types of different notes that will be present in the live shows:

  • Normal Notes
  • Long press notes
  • Simultaneous Press notes
  • Flick Notes

~ Further about Lives ~

During lives, tapping notes will increase your Voltage (Score). With better accuracy on the taps, the higher Voltage of the audience it will get. But keep in mind that the stamina will decrease faster as the idols uses more strength into their performance, just like real idols. Make sure to level up and strengthen your cards before playing a live so that you won’t fail and get a good score.

“Why do I fail Lives even though I’m hitting all the notes?”

Upon tapping notes, you will lose Stamina (gauge on the left). Yes, that's normal! If you fail Lives often, read “Card info” below to help with that. Depending on how much Stamina you have left, your HP bar will change from green to yellow and then red. Notes will be worth significantly less Voltage if you're in yellow or red. The Live will fail if you run of Stamina.

As you tap notes, your Voltage (score, and gauge on the right) will increase, as well as your SP gauge (the meter in the center). Tap the meter once it's full to activate your SP skill! SP skill gives a Voltage boost according to the Appeal of your three center members, and gives a short “Special Time”, where notes are worth more points. Using your SP skill will also show a special animation featuring the members in the three center slots of your team. If the three center slots of your team contain the same member more than once, the SP animation will feature either only two or a single girl, instead of the usual three, for unique animations!

“Why do I lose a lot of HP on ‘Finish’ notes?”

“Start” and “Finish” notes represent Appeal Chance times. Each song contains a certain number of Appeal Chances and different missions for their Appeal Chances.

You can find the list of each song’s Appeal Chance missions beforehand by checking the “strategy information” before playing the song. During the Live, you can see when each Appeal Chance will start by looking at the progress bar at the top of the screen. Each pink zone is an Appeal Chance time, while the blue sparkle represents your current progress in the song.

The Appeal Chance will start on the “Start” note. At that moment, the mission will be displayed below your active subunit at the top of the screen. You can also see your progress towards the success of the Appeal Chance mission with the blue bar displayed underneath the mission.

Each Appeal Chance mission has a different requirement for success, and also a different failure punishment. But most of the time, if you fail to meet the goal by the “Finish” note, you will lose a big amount of Stamina. If you succeed into reaching the mission goal before hitting the “Finish” note, each remaining note in the Appeal Chance time will be worth more points, and the “Finish” note will give you a boost, also different depending on each Appeal Chance (most of the time, it’s a Voltage boost, but sometimes it’s a SP gauge boost, etc.) Most of the time, Appeal Chance missions are just to acquire a certain amount of Voltage, but you might also get missions requiring you to get a certain amount of Voltage but only through your SP skill. If you find yourself failing Appeal Chances, try keeping your SP skill only for the Appeal Chance (if they are Voltage missions)

~ Building Units ~

Each team you make is divided in three subunits, based on the color above them in the team formation. You can exchange two cards in the accessory screen (green button) to make them switch subunits and change their color. Only the skills of your active subunit will activate when you play a Live, and you can switch between your three subunits while you play using the arrows on the sides of the screen.

Switching subunits during Lives also gives you a certain switch bonus that depends on the cards of your subunit. If you put similar cards in the same subunit, you'll have stronger stat changes and a stronger switch bonus.

It's important to have subunits for everything you need in a Live: either survival (healers, shielders, damage reduction) or scoring (voltage up, skill up, SP up). You might want to switch subunits to maximize the switch bonus, or if you need them for an Appeal Chance.

Your taps will give points based on the Appeal stat of your cards. Every note will match each member in your active subunit, in order shown. So the first note will match the first member of your subunit, second the second member, third note the third, and then the fourth note will match the first member of your subunit, and so on. If some of your subunits have significantly weaker stats than others, you might want to play with the subunit that has the highest Appeal stats to maximize score gain.

Card Info

Each card have an attribute (Smile, Pure, Cool, Active, Natural and Elegant) and a type (Voltage, SP, Guard and Skill). Songs also have an attribute and using members sharing the attribute with the song gives them an appeal boost.

Each type reflects overall stat changes: Vo = increased voltage gain, lowered damage reduction Sp = increased SP gauge gain, lowered skill activation Gd = increased damage reduction, lowered SP gauge gain Sk = increased skill activation, lowered voltage gain

If you find yourself dying during Lives because you run out of Stamina, try using less Voltage cards and more Gd cards:



~ Skills ~

In Lives, you will have 3 different types of skills that’ll come into play.

  • Card Skill: Every card has their own type of skill that’ll activate during Lives
  • Inspiration Skill: Can be gained in the Training Camp
  • SP Skill: Is activated during lives by tapping on the SP gauge in the middle of the screen when it’s filled up to either level C, B or A- a higher level means stronger SP skill! When the SP skill is activated, a special animation that features your subunit will play and you’ll gain more Voltage (Score). Make sure to use your SP skill during Appeal Chance missions for extra Voltage gain.

You can also have only two different girls in your middle slots for a duo animation!

In addition, you might get exclusive animations if you put together the official subunits as your SP members!


~ Appeal Chance ~

In Lives, you will get a special ‘Appeal Chance’ mission where you can increase your Voltage greatly if it is successful.

However, if you do fail you will lose a lot of stamina! Which is why it's' important in building a good and strong team so you can clear the Appeal Chance without worries.

~ End of Live ~

After you have cleared the live stage you come to this screen (1st image). It shows which song you played,song rank, the amount of Vo you scored, best Voltage and your current player rank with how much it's left before next rank.

Kizuna points will be given out to everyone, with the leader getting more than the others. To get to kizuna rank 1 for R cards, you much get 60 kizuna points.