Gameplay - MagiCircles/BanGDream GitHub Wiki

At the core of every game is gameplay, and GBP is no different. Thus, let's take a look at what gameplay GBP has to offer.


What are Lives?

Lives are the main form of gameplay where you tap notes to the beat of a song. Do your best and try not to exhaust all of your stamina or break (lose) your combo!

In GBP, you build up your overall score one tap at a time, similar to other rhythm or idol games. As you hit notes consecutively, you'll build up your "combo", which will increase the score you get per tap. There are several note types in GBP, with their features and effects below.

Note Type Details
Tap A standard tap. Sometimes these come in pairs called "Double-Taps".
Hold Tap and hold for the duration of the green bar. Sometimes these will change lanes too, becoming a "Slide".
Flick A pink note where you flick in ANY direction
Skill A yellow note which will activate a random character's skill (a special ability that every character has; will be explained in more detail in another section) when tapped. These notes appear as Tap, Double-Taps, or at the beginning or end of Hold notes. 6 Skill notes will appear per song.

Depending on the timing you tap each note, you will receive a different "Judgement" - the more accurately you tap, the better the "Judgement" will be. From best to worst, the judgements are PERFECT, GREAT, GOOD, BAD, and MISS. These judgements will affect how much score that note contributes, and upon getting GOOD, BAD, or MISS judgements, your combo will be reset to 0.

At the start of a live, you will have 1000 Stamina, which acts as "Health" in GBP. When you receive BAD or MISS judgements, your health will decrease based on the judgement and the type of note. Be careful! Once your Stamina reaches 0, you will be "Exhausted", which will either prematurely end the Live, or inflict a heavy penalty to your score gain. The effects of Exhaustion will be discussed in further detail in another section.

Upon completion of a Live, the player will receive various rewards such as gold, shards, crystals, and other goodies, as well as various forms of experience. Each of these rewards will affect the the game in different ways and allow you to do different things with them, so gather as much as you can!


Lives are identified by the songs that accompany them! With each song having an EASY, NORMAL, HARD, EXPERT, & SPECIAL beatmaps with varied difficulties (the yellow music notes, ranges from 5-28), there are many different beatmaps to play! There are also various rewards the player can earn for score and combo on each song, so you're encouraged to try them all out. For more info on all the different songs available and specific details, check out our Songs section!

Live Rooms

To perform lives, the player must enter what are known as live rooms! There are two live rooms to choose from, each with their own little quirks.

Free Live

Represented by a blue icon in the Live menu, Free Lives are the single-player mode of GBP, where you play lives by yourself. You choose a song, its difficulty, your team, and tap "Start!" or "ライブスタート!" to start. You play through the song and you get a score - and that's it! While this type of live room has lower rewards than the other room, and it is more difficult to obtain high scores, its simplicity and reduced internet usage/connectivity continue to keep it popular. Because of its simplicity, many people often prefer Free Lives when attempting to Full Combo songs. Free Lives are also the only place the game permanently records high scores - so if you want to go for a high score or display your rhythm gaming prowess, this is the place to go!


Represented by a red icon in the Live menu, Multilive rooms are for lives between multiple players! From the first screen, you can choose to make your own private multilive, or to enter a public multilive! There are multiple types of rooms available for you to enter depending on your total band power. You can also choose to participate in a "Daily Rate Up Room", where you can obtain an increased amount of a certain resource.

Room Type Minimum Band Power
Public No minimum required
Regular 70000+
Veteran 120000+
Master 180000+

After entering the room, you'll wait for either all 5 players to enter OR for the room host to press the "Room Start" button. Once either of the conditions have been fulfilled, you'll be sent to song selection, where you can select the song you want to play. You can select a song by scrolling through the song menu on the left, and select the song by using the pink button on the bottom right (決定 in JP). You can also choose not to select a song and go "Random" by pressing the button beside the pink one (おまかせ in JP). After everyone picks a song, one of the player's selection will be randomly chosen, and you'll be sent to a screen to choose your difficulty! On this screen, you can also adjust your settings if needed. Once you have everything figured out, press START and play the live!

During the live, the majority of play will be the same. However, only the "Center" (the middle unit) of each player's band will be displayed on-screen, and only your Center's skill will activate during the song. Also, during the song, a FEVER bar will appear just before the climax of the song. If every player achieves enough PERFECT/GREAT judgements, a FEVER will occur, doubling the score per tap for a limited time! Once the song is over, you will see the score accumulated by all the player's combined. There will also be another optional screen you can tap on to see other players' performances, but the rest of the UI will be the same as usual, and when done you'll return to the overworld.

While multilives are more complicated and requires a better connection to the internet, you often receive more rewards than Free Lives - as a result, they are often frequented during events and many players are highly encouraged to focus on multilives.

Private multilive room

We've explained how to enter a multilive room, but what about creating one?

On the bottom left of the Multilive screen there is a button with a key. If you tap that button, two more buttons with a 🚪door and a 🔨hammer will pop up. Click on the hammer to start creating a multilive!

There will be a small menu that pops up so that you can set up your multilive. You can choose rather the room will have the daily rate-up or not, as well as the room name and band power requirements. Once you click on the red "Create" button, you will be met with an empty multilive waitroom with nothing but three buttons on the bottom, you, and a room code.

If you want to invite specific people to your multilive, send them your room code. They'll have to enter their code in the textbox presented by the 🚪door button found earlier to join. If you want to have people on your friends list join, you can simply hit the far left "Invite Friends"(招待中 in JP) button to open up your room to your whole friends list! They'll see this little pinkman on the Live menu indicating that a friend opened up their room, and by clicking on the "Friend Room" button, they can quickly join!

Once all 5 players are in, the multilive will start and continue as normal! If you have a group of less than 5 people but want to start up a multilive right away, you have two options. If you want to play with just your group, click the large "Start Live"(このメンバーで開始 in JP) button. If you want to get some random players to help support you during the live, then click the middle button, labeled "Open Room" (ルーム開 in JP). After tapping Open Room, random players will start joining your room as if it was a normal public multilive room, and once it is full, then the multilive will start.

Everything else will play out the same as a normal multilive, except for the final pop-up that occurs before you return to the overworld. If you click on the red button, you can keep on playing in your private multilive room. If you click on the blue button, you will exit the room and return to the overworld. This pop up occurs for only the players involved in the room while it was a private multilive, so that no random players can intrude.

With that, you should have all the knowledge you need to create and participate in private multilives!

Band Management (WIP)

One big facet to lives is your 5-girl band! With the strength and skills of your cards, you are able to clear higher difficulties, reach higher scores, and achieve higher combos!

However, to truly take advantage of your band, you must know how to manage it!

To start managing your team, tap on "BAND EDIT", which can be found in the Band submenu. Once here, you will be greeted with one of your bands. To the right will be the band's stamina, their initial band power, their overall performance, overall technique, and overall visual. Above all these stats will be buttons labeled with numbers, so that you can easily switch between your different bands. To the left of these is a box to change your band's name and a "Set as Main" button, which will set the currently selected band as your default band.

Band-building for special scenarios such as events is already briefly explained in the event section of this wiki, but for normal goals such as getting a high score, here is what you should do.

To start building your band, click on one of your current band member's icons! A screen with all of your available cards will pop up, where you can select who to swap out. By tapping on a card, you can see the difference between the two cards! Try to find the cards with the greatest overall power, and add them to your team. When doing this, there is one thing to note - a single character cannot be added to a band twice, even if you have two different cards of that girl. For example, if you have [Matching Scrunchies] Saya in your band, you will not be able to add any other Saya cards into your band. You must complete the team completely - if a band is incomplete (has 4 or less members), you will not be able to start any lives.

There is a band auto-building function in the Japanese version of the game, which you can access by pressing the button labelled "(insert japanese text here)", located beneath the left-most member of your band. There, you can set restrictions for the band builder, and based on the restrictions given, the game will create the highest band power band it can make! With this, your team should theoretically have it's highest band power! Nice and simple, right? Not quite. You need to take into consideration Skills and Area Items.

Area Items

What are Area Items?

Area Items are items that boost the overall power of your band! With the rewards you get from lives and events, you can purchase these items from various overworld shops! The boosts vary in percentage and effects, but their effects are often based on band and attribute type. Because of this, band-building is often done with a focus on certain bands and/or attributes.

After constructing a base team, we suggest that you look more closely at the different cards you have of each band in each attribute. Do you have lots of high-level pure Roselia cards? Or perhaps all your Hello, Happy World! cards are cool? Try building teams like this, and see what you get! After constructing these teams, click the circle in the bottom right (can also be found on the overworld) to set your equipment! You can search through your equipment and manually set what you want to use, or you can automatically let the game do it for you with the top right button - just select which attribute and band you want to focus your boosts on, and the game will set it up for you! After doing this, simply enter the multilive menu to see your real band power. Rinse and repeat this until you get your most powerful band!

While the "best" band will be one where all your characters have matching bands and attributes, mixed bands with characters from different bands and/or attributes will often be better due to the fact that most people will not be able to obtain every card. As such, be flexible in band building, and above all, have fun!

There are many, many ways to play the game - adjust your band according to your needs! Need the highest score possible? Try a band of scorers or a band with high band power! Having trouble surviving a song? Why not use some healers? Want to Full Combo songs? Some perfect lockers will do the trick! The key to running a successful Live often lies in how you organize your team's band power and skills, so try to get the hang of it as fast as you can!


In the end, BanG Dream! Girls Band Party! is a game - something that's meant for you to have fun. While our guide gives you a quick introduction to the game and its mechanics, there is so much more for you to explore! At the same time, no single method of playing is the "correct" way to play, so advance and play at your own pace! If there are any questions, you can always refer back to our FAQ(not yet created), or ask on our Discord server!

Now, go out there as a new staff at CiRCLE Live House, meet the girls, play some lives, and have fun!