hlsu_hc_visgroups - MaestroFenix/Half-Life-Resized-Maps GitHub Wiki
- env_sound
Env_sound entities ( soundscapes ).
- original_light
Original point light entities. DEBUG ONLY.
- sp_ending
Settings for finish in HL:S.
- mp_ending
Visgroup with game_end so multiplayer games / mods can finish properly. Half-Life: Co-op overrides this setting anyway.
- holofix_template
Fix for the holograms not currently turning off and on via Templates. Use if the addoutput version isn't compatible with the game / mod.
- holofix_addoutput
Fix for the holograms not currently turning off and on via addoutput. Doesn't work on GMod and HL:S for some reason, so use the template version.
- mp_spawns
info_player_deathmatch spawns for multiplayer.
- cubemaps