hls14amrl_visgroups - MaestroFenix/Half-Life-Resized-Maps GitHub Wiki

  • func_train

Entity setup used by the rotating platforms and the beam arcs in C4A1.

  • sp_start

item_suit and other items being used on map start in Half-Life: Source.

  • gmod_xenlight

Special visgroup intended to be used with Half-Life: Co-op gamemode ( since Xen lightstalks have already integrated dynamic lights via Lua ).

  • dyn_xenlight

A mix of named lights, light_dynamic and triggers ( since Xen lightstalks sends an +Use input, which light_dynamic can't use ).

Closest approach to the behaviour in HL1, at expense of an increased entity number and performance ( 20-40 FPS loss and around 300-600 IN at the netgraph when the light_dynamics are on ). For better lighting at cost of not being dynamic, use "static_xenlights".

  • static_xenlights

Xen lightstalks as prop_dynamic + static lights. Use this if "dyn_xenlight" is too heavy on performance / dislike the lighting results produced by light_dynamic.

  • old_laser_lights

LEGACY. Dynamic lights used by the "laser turrets" in C4A1. Don't ship with them, use "new_laserlights".

  • new_laserlights

Dynamic lights used by the "laser turrets" in C4A1, slightly tweaked from the original settings.

  • old_lights

LEGACY. Point lights used on the previous versions of this map. Don't ship with them, use the texlights defined in lights.rad instead.

  • old_lightgen

Dynamic lights used by the "alien generators" on C4A1B. Currently unused due hitting the "32 max named lights" limit + being barely noticeable on Source.

  • teleport_blockers

Brush blockers used with Half-Life: Co-op gamemode on the teleporters.

  • sky_spotlights

Spotlights used to mock the sky illumination of C4A2.

  • fade_groupteleport

env_fades configured so all the players will have them, regardless of being in a teleport or not. Intended for these games / mods where all players will be teleported at once in order to allow individual "island" optimizations.

  • fade_nogroupteleport:

env_fades configured so only the activator of each teleport will have them. Intended for Gmod as each player has to move on their own to the next "island".

  • ent_removers

Proceeds to clean up entities of an "island" once it is cleared, in order to combat possible ED_ALLOCS crashes.

  • env_sound

Env_sound entities ( soundscapes ).

  • cubemaps


  • autosaves

Autosaves for HL:S, don't use in MP.



Always Use func_train, new_laserlights and sky_spotlights regardless of the game / mod being compiled the map for.